Kathryn (Kaatie) E. Cooper
Cited by
Cited by
The partisan brain: How dissonant science messages lead conservatives and liberals to (dis) trust science
EC Nisbet, KE Cooper, RK Garrett
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 658 (1 …, 2015
Ignorance or bias? Evaluating the ideological and informational drivers of communication gaps about climate change
EC Nisbet, KE Cooper, M Ellithorpe
Public Understanding of Science 24 (3), 285-301, 2015
Green narratives: How affective responses to media messages influence risk perceptions and policy preferences about environmental hazards
KE Cooper, EC Nisbet
Science Communication 38 (5), 626-654, 2016
An integrated model of communication influence on beliefs
WP Eveland Jr, KE Cooper
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (supplement_3), 14088-14095, 2013
Documentary and edutainment portrayals of climate change and their societal impacts
KE Cooper, EC Nisbet
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science, 2017
Insta-spiration sweeping the nation: The influence of Instagram on intention to travel to Yellowstone National Park
AM Hooker, KE Cooper
The Review of Socionetwork Strategies, 1-24, 2022
Against climate change tribalism: We gamble with the future by dehumanizing our opponents
M Nisbet
Skeptical Inquirer 44 (1), 26-28, 2020
Audiences, structures, and strategies: The promise and power of environmental documentaries
KE Cooper
The Ohio State University, 2018
Testing how information about cost‐effectiveness, cause preferences, and geographic preferences interact to affect philanthropic giving
G Taggart, KE Cooper
Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing 28 (4), e1808, 2023
This is the type of audience I’ve learned to write to my whole life: Exploring student perspectives about writing for different types of audiences
D Fisher, AC DeDiego, KE Cooper, K Frye, MD Larson, C Duball
Across the Disciplines 19 (3/4), 198-224, 2022
Narratives and the Environment: The Influence of Values and Message Format on Risk Perceptions
KE Cooper
The Ohio State University, 2013
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Articles 1–11