Nojin Kwak
Nojin Kwak
Professor of Communication, State of University of New York at Buffalo
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" Connecting" and" disconnecting" with civic life: Patterns of Internet use and the production of social capital
D V. Shah, Nojin Kwak, R. Lance Holbert
Political communication 18 (2), 141-162, 2001
Information and expression in a digital age: Modeling Internet effects on civic participation
DV Shah, J Cho, WP Eveland Jr, N Kwak
Communication research 32 (5), 531-565, 2005
A comparison between mail and web surveys: Response pattern, respondent profile, and data quality
N Kwak, B Radler
Journal of official statistics 18 (2), 257, 2002
Assessing causality in the cognitive mediation model: A panel study of motivations, information processing, and learning during campaign 2000
WP Eveland Jr, DV Shah, N Kwak
Communication research 30 (4), 359-386, 2003
Revisiting the knowledge gap hypothesis: Education, motivation, and media use
N Kwak
Communication Research 26 (4), 385-413, 1999
Environmental concern, patterns of television viewing, and pro-environmental behaviors: Integrating models of media consumption and effects
RL Holbert, N Kwak, DV Shah
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 47 (2), 177-196, 2003
Talking politics and engaging politics: An examination of the interactive relationships between structural features of political talk and discussion engagement
N Kwak, AE Williams, X Wang, H Lee
Communication Research 32 (1), 87-111, 2005
Mobile communication and civic life: Linking patterns of use to civic and political engagement
SW Campbell, N Kwak
Journal of communication 60 (3), 536-555, 2010
Understanding the relationship between communication and political knowledge: A model comparison approach using panel data
WP Eveland Jr, AF Hayes, DV Shah, N Kwak
Political Communication 22 (4), 423-446, 2005
Incidental exposure, selective exposure, and political information sharing: Integrating online exposure patterns and expression on social media
BE Weeks, DS Lane, DH Kim, SS Lee, N Kwak
Journal of computer-mediated communication 22 (6), 363-379, 2017
The interplay of news frames on cognitive complexity
DV Shah, N Kwak, M Schmierbach, J Zubric
Human Communication Research 30 (1), 102-120, 2004
A multilevel approach to civic participation: Individual length of residence, neighborhood residential stability, and their interactive effects with media use
N Kang, N Kwak
Communication Research 30 (1), 80-106, 2003
Connecting, trusting, and participating: The direct and interactive effects of social associations
N Kwak, DV Shah, RL Holbert
Political Research Quarterly 57 (4), 643-652, 2004
Political involvement in “mobilized” society: The interactive relationships among mobile communication, network characteristics, and political participation
SW Campbell, N Kwak
Journal of communication 61 (6), 1005-1024, 2011
Fear, authority, and justice: Crime-related TV viewing and endorsements of capital punishment and gun ownership
RL Holbert, DV Shah, N Kwak
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 81 (2), 343-363, 2004
Mobile communication and civil society: Linking patterns and places of use to engagement with others in public
SW Campbell, N Kwak
Human Communication Research 37 (2), 207-222, 2011
Political implications of prime‐time drama and sitcom use: Genres of representation and opinions concerning women's rights
RL Holbert, DV Shah, N Kwak
Journal of Communication 53 (1), 45-60, 2003
The affect effect of political satire: Sarcastic humor, negative emotions, and political participation
H Lee, N Kwak
Entertainment Media and Politics, 5-26, 2016
Nontraditional news negativity: The relationship of entertaining political news use to political cynicism and mistrust
L Guggenheim, N Kwak, SW Campbell
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 23 (3), 287-314, 2011
Social media expression and the political self
DS Lane, SS Lee, F Liang, DH Kim, L Shen, BE Weeks, N Kwak
Journal of Communication 69 (1), 49-72, 2019
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