Charles Bielders
Charles Bielders
Université catholique de Louvain - Earth and Life Institute
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SAFE—A hierarchical framework for assessing the sustainability of agricultural systems
N Van Cauwenbergh, K Biala, C Bielders, V Brouckaert, L Franchois, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 120 (2-4), 229-242, 2007
Adoption of soil conservation practices in Belgium: An examination of the theory of planned behaviour in the agri-environmental domain
E Wauters, C Bielders, J Poesen, G Govers, E Mathijs
Land use policy 27 (1), 86-94, 2010
Effects of livestock grazing on physical and chemical properties of sandy soils in Sahelian rangelands
P Hiernaux, CL Bielders, C Valentin, A Bationo, S Fernandez-Rivera
Journal of Arid Environments 41 (3), 231-245, 1999
Measuring, modelling and managing gully erosion at large scales: A state of the art
M Vanmaercke, P Panagos, T Vanwalleghem, A Hayas, S Foerster, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 218, 103637, 2021
What indicators can capture runoff-relevant connectivity properties of the micro-topography at the plot scale?
M Antoine, M Javaux, C Bielders
Advances in Water Resources 32 (8), 1297-1310, 2009
Framework for assessing sustainability levels in Belgium agricultural systems-SAFE
X Sauvenier, J Valckx, N Van Cauwenbergh, E Wauters, H Bachev, ...
Transport of soil and nutrients by wind in bush fallow land and traditionally managed cultivated fields in the Sahel
CL Bielders, JL Rajot, M Amadou
Geoderma 109 (1-2), 19-39, 2002
Cropping systems and crop complementarity in dryland agriculture to increase soil water use efficiency: a review
N Van Duivenbooden, M Pala, C Studer, CL Bielders, DJ Beukes
NJAS: Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 48 (3), 213-236, 2000
Can DEM time series produced by UAV be used to quantify diffuse erosion in an agricultural watershed?
N Pineux, J Lisein, G Swerts, CL Bielders, P Lejeune, G Colinet, A Degré
Geomorphology 280, 122-136, 2017
Spatial and temporal variation of muddy floods in central Belgium, off-site impacts and potential control measures
O Evrard, CL Bielders, K Vandaele, B van Wesemael
Catena 70 (3), 443-454, 2007
Effect of planting technique and amendment type on pearl millet yield, nutrient uptake, and water use on degraded land in Niger
D Fatondji, C Martius, CL Bielders, PLG Vlek, A Bationo, B Gerard
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 76, 203-217, 2006
Farmer perception of runoff and erosion and extent of flooding in the silt-loam belt of the Belgian Walloon Region
CL Bielders, C Ramelot, E Persoons
Environmental Science & Policy 6 (1), 85-93, 2003
On‐farm evaluation of ridging and residue management practices to reduce wind erosion in Niger
CL Bielders, K Michels, JL Rajot
Soil Science Society of America Journal 64 (5), 1776-1785, 2000
Use of the APSIM model in long term simulation to support decision making regarding nitrogen management for pearl millet in the Sahel
PBI Akponikpè, B Gérard, K Michels, C Bielders
European Journal of Agronomy 32 (2), 144-154, 2010
Millet response to microdose fertilization in south–western Niger: Effect of antecedent fertility management and environmental factors
CL Bielders, B Gérard
Field Crops Research 171, 165-175, 2015
Particle density of volcanic soils as measured with a gas pycnometer
CL Bielders, LW De Backer, B Delvaux
Soil Science Society of America Journal 54 (3), 822-826, 1990
Bioenergy farming using woody crops. A review
CRR Pleguezuelo, VHD Zuazo, C Bielders, JAJ Bocanegra, ...
Agronomy for sustainable development 35, 95-119, 2015
Decomposition of organic amendment and nutrient release under the zai technique in the Sahel
D Fatondji, C Martius, R Zougmore, PLG Vlek, CL Bielders, S Koala
Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems 85, 225-239, 2009
Wind erosion: the perspective of grass‐roots communities in the Sahel
CL Bielders, S Alvey, N Cronyn
Land Degradation & Development 12 (1), 57-70, 2001
Effect of intercropping period management on runoff and erosion in a maize cropping system
E Laloy, CL Bielders
Journal of environmental quality 39 (3), 1001-1008, 2010
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Articles 1–20