Juvencio Robles
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Cited by
Borazine: to be or not to be aromatic
R Islas, E Chamorro, J Robles, T Heine, JC Santos, G Merino
Structural Chemistry 18, 833-839, 2007
Nucleus-independent chemical shift (NICS) profiles in a series of monocyclic planar inorganic compounds
JOC Jiménez-Halla, E Matito, J Robles, M Solà
Journal of Organometallic chemistry 691 (21), 4359-4366, 2006
Nucleation and growth of cobalt onto different substrates: Part I. Underpotential deposition onto a gold electrode
LH Mendoza-Huizar, J Robles, M Palomar-Pardavé
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 521 (1-2), 95-106, 2002
Electronegativities, electron affinities, ionization potentials, and hardnesses of the elements within spin polarized density functional theory
J Robles, LJ Bartolotti
Journal of the American Chemical Society 106 (13), 3723-3727, 1984
Nucleation and growth of cobalt onto different substrates: Part II. The upd-opd transition onto a gold electrode
LH Mendoza-Huizar, J Robles, M Palomar-Pardavé
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 545, 39-45, 2003
On the atomic kinetic energy functionals with full Weizsacker correction
JL Gázquez, J Robles
The Journal of Chemical Physics 76 (3), 1467-1472, 1982
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS: FROM NANOPARTICLES TO MACROMOLECULES-Conformation of Ethylhexanoate Stabilizer on the Surface of CdS Nanoparticles
D Diaz, M Rivera, T Ni, JC Rodriguez, SE Castillo-Blum, D Nagesha, ...
Journal of Physical Chemistry B-Condensed Phase 103 (45), 9854-9858, 1999
CdS nanoparticles modified to chalcogen sites: new supramolecular complexes, butterfly bridging, and related optical effects
T Ni, DK Nagesha, J Robles, NF Materer, S Müssig, NA Kotov
Journal of the American Chemical Society 124 (15), 3980-3992, 2002
Structural, electronic, and magnetic consequences of O-carbonyl vs O-alkoxy ester coordination in new dicopper complexes containing the Cu2 (μ-Cl) 2 core
P Kapoor, A Pathak, R Kapoor, P Venugopalan, M Corbella, M Rodríguez, ...
Inorganic chemistry 41 (23), 6153-6160, 2002
Analysis of the effect of changing the a 0 parameter of the Becke3-LYP hybrid functional on the transition state geometries and energy barriers in a series of prototypical …
J Poater, M Solà, M Duran, J Robles
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 4 (5), 722-731, 2002
Tuning aromaticity in trigonal alkaline earth metal clusters and their alkali metal salts
JOC JimÉnez‐halla, E Matito, L Blancafort, J Robles, M Solà
Journal of computational chemistry 30 (16), 2764-2776, 2009
Density-functional-theory softness kernel
J Garza, J Robles
Physical Review A 47 (4), 2680, 1993
A Theoretical-Experimental Study on the Structure and Activity of Certain Quinolones and the Interaction of Their Cu (II)-Complexes on a DNA Model
J Robles, J Martín-Polo, L Alvarez-Valtierra, L Hinojosa, G Mendoza-Díaz
Metal-Based Drugs 7 (6), 301-311, 2000
DFT and GEGA genetic algorithm optimized structures of Cunν (ν=±1,0,2; n=3-13) clusters
G Guzmán-Ramírez, F Aguilera-Granja, J Robles
The European Physical Journal D 57 (1), 49-60, 2010
Synthesis of 3-tetrazolylmethyl-azepino [4, 5-b] indol-4-ones in two reaction steps:(Ugi-azide/N-acylation/SN 2)/free radical cyclization and docking studies to a 5-Ht 6 model
RE Gordillo-Cruz, A Rentería-Gómez, A Islas-Jácome, CJ Cortes-García, ...
Organic & biomolecular chemistry 11 (38), 6470-6476, 2013
Coordination and Haptotropic Migration of Cr(CO)3 in Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons:  The Effect of the Size and the Curvature of the Substrate
JOC Jiménez-Halla, J Robles, M Solà
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112 (6), 1202-1213, 2008
Spirochromone-chalcone conjugates as antitubercular agents: synthesis, bio evaluation and molecular modeling studies
M Mujahid, P Yogeeswari, D Sriram, UMV Basavanag, E Díaz-Cervantes, ...
RSC advances 5 (129), 106448-106460, 2015
Intramolecular haptotropic rearrangements of the tricarbonylchromium complex in small polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
JOC Jimenez-Halla, J Robles, M Sola
Organometallics 27 (20), 5230-5240, 2008
Local hardness revisited: Definition and the spin‐polarized Kohn–Sham formulation of density functional theory
J Garza, J Robles
International journal of quantum chemistry 49 (3), 159-169, 1994
Stability, structural, and magnetic phase diagrams of ternary ferromagnetic 3d-transition-metal clusters with five and six atoms
G Guzmán-Ramírez, J Robles, A Vega, F Aguilera-Granja
The Journal of chemical physics 134 (5), 2011
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Articles 1–20