Gonzalo Luzardo
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Cited by
Expertise estimation based on simple multimodal features
X Ochoa, K Chiluiza, G Méndez, G Luzardo, B Guamán, J Castells
Proceedings of the 15th ACM on International conference on multimodal …, 2013
Estimation of presentations skills based on slides and audio features
G Luzardo, B Guamán, K Chiluiza, J Castells, X Ochoa
Proceedings of the 2014 acm workshop on multimodal learning analytics …, 2014
Fully-automatic inverse tone mapping preserving the content creator’s artistic intentions
G Luzardo, J Aelterman, H Luong, W Philips, D Ochoa, S Rousseaux
2018 Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), 199-203, 2018
Implementación de un sistema multi-táctil en ambientes educativos para promover y facilitar la evaluación del trabajo colaborativo en el aula/Implementation of a multi-touch …
Y Quiñonez, G Luzardo, R Granda
Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 66, 2016
Real-time false-contours removal for inverse tone mapped HDR content
G Luzardo, J Aelterman, H Luong, W Philips, D Ochoa
Proceedings of the 25th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1472-1479, 2017
Fully-automatic inverse tone mapping algorithm based on dynamic mid-level tone mapping
G Luzardo, J Aelterman, H Luong, S Rousseaux, D Ochoa, W Philips
APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing 9, e7, 2020
Inteligencia artificial en ambientes virtuales: Humanos virtuales autónomos (hva) como agentes virtuales inteligentes (3diva)
G Luzardo, J Hernández
Disponible en Internet:< http://blog. espol. edu. ec/gluzardo/files/2009/03 …, 2010
An experimental study on the perceived quality of natively graded versus inverse tone mapped high dynamic range video content on television
G Luzardo, T Vyvey, J Aelterman, T Paridaens, G Van Wallendael, ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications 80, 5559-5576, 2021
An interactive floor for shape-based interactions using a client-server architecture
G Luzardo, B Guamán, K Chiluiza
Symposium of Signals, Images and Artificial Vision-2013: STSIVA-2013, 1-5, 2013
GPS-assisted feature matching in aerial images with highly repetitive patterns
G Luzardo, M Vlaminck, D Lefkaditis, W Philips, H Luong
2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 8348 …, 2021
Multi-tabletop System to Support Collaborative Design Assessment
G Luzardo, V Echeverría, Y Quiñonez, R Granda
Trends and Applications in Software Engineering: Proceedings of the 4th …, 2016
Segmentación de imágenes basada en etiquetación de píxeles
G Luzardo
Blog de Investigación en Multimedia y nuevas tecnologías. Recuperado de http …, 2009
Segmentación de imágenes basada en el histograma
G Luzardo
Citado 2, 51, 0
A Display-Adaptive Pipeline for Dynamic Range Expansion of Standard Dynamic Range Video Content
G Luzardo, A Kumcu, J Aelterman, H Luong, D Ochoa, W Philips
Applied Sciences 14 (10), 4081, 2024
Implementation of a multi-touch system in educational environments to encourage and facilitate the assessment of collaborative work in the classroom/Implementacion de un …
Y Quinonez, G Luzardo, R Granda
RISTI (Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao), 66-80, 2016
Diseño e Implementación de un Sistema de Gestión de Contenidos Web Accesibles
G Luzardo, A Avendaño, D Cayetano, K Chiluiza
Revista Tecnológica-ESPOL 23 (3), 2010
A Web Content Management System to Create Accessible Web Sites
G Luzardo, A Avendaño, K Chiluiza, N Verdezoto
ASSETS August 10, 2010
Smartdrone: An Open Platform for Research and Experimentation with Autonomous UAVs
G Luzardo, H Luong, M Vlaminck, W Philips, D Ochoa
International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE), 295-306, 2024
Drone-based corrosion detection on high-voltage transmission towers using hyperspectral imaging
M Vlaminck, Z Bnoulkacem, G Luzardo, H Zivariadab, Z Zahiri, B Koirala, ...
2023 13th Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing: Evolution …, 2023
Diseño, análisis e implementación de un piso interactivo en la entrada del edificio del cti
B Guamán, G Luzardo
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Articles 1–20