Fernando Perez-Valera
Fernando Perez-Valera
Lecturer of Geology, Alicante University
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Tempestite facies models for the epicontinental Triassic carbonates of the Betic Cordillera (southern Spain)
A Pérez‐López, F Pérez‐Valera
Sedimentology 59 (2), 646-678, 2012
Ichnological analysis in high-resolution sequence stratigraphy: the Glossifungites ichnofacies in Triassic successions from the Betic Cordillera (southern Spain)
FJ Rodríguez-Tovar, F Pérez-Valera, A Pérez-López
Sedimentary Geology 198 (3-4), 293-307, 2007
Palaeogeography, facies and nomenclature of the Triassic units in the different domains of the Betic Cordillera (S Spain)
A Pérez-López, F Pérez-Valera
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 254 (3-4), 606-626, 2007
Permian-Triassic rifting stage
J López-Gómez, J Alonso-Azcárate, A Arche, J Arribas, ...
The Geology of Iberia: A Geodynamic Approach: Volume 3: The Alpine Cycle, 29-112, 2019
Trace Fossil Rhizocorallium From The Middle Triassic Of The Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain: Characterization And Environmental Implications
FJ Rodríguez-Tovar, F Pérez-Valera
Palaios 23 (2), 78-86, 2008
Sulfate isotope compositions (δ34S, δ18O) and strontium isotopic ratios (87Sr/86Sr) of Triassic evaporites in the Betic Cordillera (SE Spain)
F Ortí, A Pérez-López, J García-Veigas, L Rosell, DI Cendón, ...
SGE, 2014
Age distribution of lamproites along the Socovos Fault (southern Spain) and lithospheric scale tearing
LA Pérez-Valera, G Rosenbaum, M Sánchez-Gómez, A Azor, ...
Lithos 180, 252-263, 2013
Prehistoric engineering and astronomy of the great Menga Dolmen (Málaga, Spain). A geometric and geoarchaeological analysis
JA Lozano, G Ruiz-Puertas, M Hódar-Correa, F Pérez-Valera, A Morgado
Journal of Archaeological Science 41, 759-771, 2014
An evaporite‐bearing accretionary complex in the northern front of the Betic‐Rif orogen
F Pérez‐Valera, M Sánchez‐Gómez, A Pérez‐López, LA Pérez‐Valera
Tectonics 36 (6), 1006-1036, 2017
Stratigraphy and sedimentology of Muschelkalk carbonates of the Southern Iberian Continental Palaeomargin (Siles and Cehegín Formations, Southern Spain)
F Pérez-Valera, A Pérez-López
Facies 54, 61-87, 2008
The basaltic volcanism of the Dumisseau Formation in the Sierra de Bahoruco, SW Dominican Republic: A record of the mantle plume-related magmatism of the Caribbean Large …
J Escuder-Viruete, M Joubert, M Abad, F Pérez-Valera, J Gabites
Lithos 254, 67-83, 2016
Estratigrafía y tectónica del Triásico Sudibérico en el sector oriental de la Cordillera Bética
F Pérez Valera
Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2005
The megalithic necropolis of Panoria, Granada, Spain: Geoarchaeological characterization and provenance studies
G Aranda Jiménez, JA Lozano, F Pérez Valera
Geoarchaeology 33 (2), 260-270, 2018
Pliocene–Lower Pleistocene shallow-water mixed siliciclastics and carbonates (Yanigua and Los Haitises formations) in eastern Hispaniola (Dominican Republic)
JC Braga, AD de Neira, E Lasseur, J Mediato, J Aguirre, M Abad, ...
Sedimentary Geology 265, 182-194, 2012
Early Pliocene continental vertebrate Fauna at Puerto de la Cadena (SE Spain) and its bearing on the marine-continental correlation of the Late Neogene of Eastern Betics
P Piñero, J Agustí, O Oms, I Fierro, P Montoya, S Mansino, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 479, 102-114, 2017
Marine flooding event in continental Triassic facies identified by a nothosaur and placodont bonebed (South Iberian Paleomargin)
M Reolid, F Pérez-Valera, MJ Benton, J Reolid
Facies 60, 277-293, 2014
La falla de Tíscar: su significado en la terminación sudoeste del arco Prebético
C Sanz de Galdeano, J Galindo-Zaldívar, AC López-Garrido, P Alfaro, ...
Sociedad Geológica de España, 2006
Mélanges and olistostromes in the Puerto Plata area (northern Dominican Republic) as a record of subduction and collisional processes between the Caribbean and North-American …
PPH Huerta, F Perez-Valera, M Abad, J Monthel, AD de Neira
Tectonophysics 568, 266-281, 2012
A foraminiferal assemblage as a bioevent marker of the main Ladinian transgressive stage in the Betic Cordillera, southern Spain
A Pérez-López, L Márquez, F Pérez-Valera
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 224 (1-3), 217-231, 2005
Informe Estratigráfico y Sedimentológico
F Pérez Valera, M Abad de los Santos
Proyecto de Cartografía Geotemática de la República Dominicana. Programa …, 2010
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Articles 1–20