Early Gondwanan connection for the Argentine Precordillera terrane S Finney, J Gleason, G Gehrels, S Peralta, G Aceñolaza Earth and Planetary Science Letters 205 (3-4), 349-359, 2003 | 113 | 2003 |
Trace fossils and sedimentary facies from a Late Cambrian‐Early Ordovician tide‐dominated shelf (Santa Rosita Formation, northwest Argentina): implications for ichnofacies … MG Mángano, LA Buatois, GF Aceñolaza Ichnos: An International Journal of Plant & Animal 5 (1), 53-88, 1996 | 97 | 1996 |
La Formación Puncoviscana y unidades estratigráficas vinculadas en el Neoproterozoico-Cámbrico temprano del Noroeste Argentino F Aceñolaza, G Aceñolaza Latin American Journal of Sedimentology and basin analysis 12 (2), 65-87, 2005 | 89 | 2005 |
The Cambrian System in Northwestern Argentina: stratigraphical and palaeontological framework GF Aceñolaza Geologica Acta 1 (1), 0023-39, 2003 | 55 | 2003 |
Trazas fósiles del Terciario marino de Entre Ríos (Formación Paraná, Mioceno medio), República Argentina FG Aceñolaza, GF Aceñolaza Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias 64, 209-233, 2000 | 54 | 2000 |
The genus Jujuyaspis as a world reference fossil for the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary FG Aceñolaza, GF Aceñolaza, BD Webby, JR Laurie Global Perspectives on Ordovician Geology, Balkema, Rotterdam, 115-120, 1992 | 53 | 1992 |
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Faunal dynamics between Iberia and Bohemia during the Oretanian and Dobrotivian (late Middle-earliest Upper Ordovician), and biogeographic relations with Avalonia and Baltica. JC Gutiérrez Marco, I Rábano, GN Sarmiento, GF Aceñolaza, ... Karolinum, 1999 | 47 | 1999 |
A first report of the Ludlow Lau event from the Prague Basin (Barrandian, Czech Republic) O Lehnert, J Fryda, W Buggisch, S Manda, G Ortega, GF Aceñolaza Proceedings 7th IGC-FMSSS, 139-144, 2003 | 45 | 2003 |
Insights in the Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian transition of NW Argentina: facies, environments and fossils in the proto-margin of western Gondwana G Aceñolaza, F Aceñolaza Geological Society, London, Special Publications 286 (1), 1-13, 2007 | 44 | 2007 |
Progresos recientes en el conocimiento del Paleozoico de la Región de Antofagasta H Niemeyer, FG Aceñolaza | 43 | 1985 |
The cap carbonate of the Puga Hill (Central South America) in the context of the post-Varanger Glaciation PC Boggiani, V Ferreira, AN Sial, M Babinski, RIF Trindade, G Aceñolaza, ... Short Papers, 324-327, 2003 | 42 | 2003 |
El Ordovícico Medio del Anti-Atlas marroquí: paleobiodiversidad, actualización bioestratigráfica y correlación JC Gutiérrez-Marco, J Destombes, I Rábano, GF Aceñolaza, ... Geobios 36 (2), 151-177, 2003 | 41 | 2003 |
Cámbrico y Ordovícico del noroeste argentino FG Aceñolaza, LA Buatois, MG Mángano, SB Esteban, MF Tortello, ... Geología Argentina. Instituto de Geología y Recursos Minerales, Anales 29 (7 …, 1999 | 41 | 1999 |
Precambrian-Cambrian ichnofossils, an enigmatic “annelid tube” and microbial activity in the Puncoviscana Formation (La Higuera; Tucumán Province, NW Argentina) GF Aceñolaza Geobios 37 (2), 127-133, 2004 | 36 | 2004 |
Hidrogeología A Tineo, C Falcón, J García, C D’Urso, G Galindo, GV Rodríguez, ... Geología de Tucumán,(2nd ed.). Colegio de Geólogos de Tucumán (publicación …, 1998 | 35 | 1998 |
Paleontologia, biostratigrafia y paleoecologia de las cuencas Paganzo, Calingasta-Uspallata y Rio Blanco CL AZCUY, CR Gonzalez, N Sabattini, G Acenolaza El Sistema Carbonífero en la República Argentina, 133-151, 1987 | 34 | 1987 |
Middle Ordovician (early Dapingian) conodonts in the central Andean Basin of NW Argentina J Carlorosi, S Heredia, G Aceñolaza Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology 37 (3), 299-311, 2013 | 33 | 2013 |
Ordovician trace fossils of Argentina G Aceñolaza, FG Aceñolaza INSUGEO, Serie de Correlación Geológica 16, 177-194, 2002 | 31 | 2002 |
Depositional Controls on the Ichnology of Ordovician Wave‐dominated Marine Facies: New Evidence from the Shirgesht Formation, Central Iran A BAYET‐GOLL, PM Myrow, GF Acenolaza, R MOUSSAVI‐HARAMI, ... Acta Geologica Sinica‐English Edition 90 (5), 1572-1597, 2016 | 30 | 2016 |