Nicolas Debarsy
Nicolas Debarsy
LEM UMR 9221
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Interpreting dynamic space–time panel data models
N Debarsy, C Ertur, JP LeSage
Statistical Methodology 9 (1-2), 158-171, 2012
Testing for spatial autocorrelation in a fixed effects panel data model
N Debarsy, C Ertur
Regional Science and Urban Economics 40 (6), 453-470, 2010
Measuring sovereign risk spillovers and assessing the role of transmission channels: A spatial econometrics approach
N Debarsy, C Dossougoin, C Ertur, JY Gnabo
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 87, 21-45, 2018
The Mundlak approach in the spatial Durbin panel data model
N Debarsy
Spatial Economic Analysis 7 (1), 109-131, 2012
Robinson's square root of N consistent semiparametric regression estimator in Stata
V Verardi, N Debarsy
The Stata Journal 12 (4), 726-735, 2012
Large sample properties of the matrix exponential spatial specification with an application to FDI
N Debarsy, F Jin, LF Lee
Journal of Econometrics 188 (1), 1-21, 2015
Flexible dependence modeling using convex combinations of different types of connectivity structures
N Debarsy, J LeSage
Regional Science and Urban Economics 69, 48-68, 2018
Bayesian model averaging for spatial autoregressive models based on convex combinations of different types of connectivity matrices
N Debarsy, JP LeSage
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 40 (2), 547-558, 2022
Sovereign wealth funds’ cross-border investments: Assessing the role of country-level drivers and spatial competition
N Debarsy, JY Gnabo, M Kerkour
Journal of International Money and Finance 76, 68-87, 2017
Interaction matrix selection in spatial autoregressive models with an application to growth theory
N Debarsy, C Ertur
Regional Science and Urban Economics 75, 49-69, 2019
The European Enlargement process and regional convergence revisited: Spatial effects still matter
N Debarsy, C Ertur
Louvain-la-Neuve: European Regional Science Association (ERSA), 2006
Understanding interactions in complex systems: toward a science of interaction
S Cordier, N Debarsy, C Ertur
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017
SEMIPAR: Stata module to compute Robinson's (1988) semiparametric regression estimator
V Verardi, N Debarsy
Boston College Department of Economics, 2021
Editorial for the special issue entitled: New advances in spatial econometrics: Interactions matter
N Debarsy, Z Yang
Regional Science and Urban Economics 72, 1, 2018
Contagion in the Banking Industry: a Robust-to-Endogeneity Analysis
S Béreau, N Debarsy, C Dossougoin, JY Gnabo
Using convex combinations of spatial weights in spatial autoregressive models
N Debarsy, JP Lesage
Handbook of Regional Science, 2267-2282, 2021
What do we know about spatial entry?
N Debarsy, M Dejardin
Jena Economic Research Papers, 2008
The empirical content of spatial spillovers: Identification issues
N Debarsy, J Le Gallo
Available at SSRN, 2024
Estimating Nonlinearities in Spatial Autoregressive Models
N Debarsy, V Verardi
Efficient estimation of regression models with spillovers: flexible parametric and semi-parametric approaches
V Verardi, N Debarsy, C Vermandele
Economics Virtual Symposium 2024, 2024
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Articles 1–20