Stijn Joye
Cited by
Cited by
News discourses on distant suffering: A critical discourse analysis of the 2003 SARS outbreak
S Joye
Discourse & Society 21 (5), 586-601, 2010
The hierarchy of global suffering: A critical discourse analysis of television news reporting on foreign natural disasters
S Joye
Journal of International Communication 15 (2), 45-61, 2009
The X-factor of charity: a critical analysis of celebrities’ involvement in the 2010 Flemish and Dutch Haiti relief shows
O Driessens, S Joye, D Biltereyst
Media, Culture & Society 34 (6), 709-725, 2012
Civil society organizations at the gates? A gatekeeping study of news making efforts by NGOs and government institutions
S Van Leuven, S Joye
The International Journal of Press/Politics 19 (2), 160-180, 2014
Domesticating distant suffering: How can news media discursively invite the audience to care?
S Joye
International Communication Gazette 77 (7), 682-694, 2015
50 years of Galtung and Ruge: Reflections on their model of news values and its relevance for the study of journalism and communication today
S Joye, A Heinrich, R Wöhlert
CM. Communication and Media 11 (36), 5-28, 2016
News media and the (de) construction of risk: How Flemish newspapers select and cover international disasters
S Joye
Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies 2 (2), 253-266, 2010
Searching for health: Doctor Google and the shifting dynamics of the middle-aged and older adult patient–physician relationship and interaction
M Huisman, S Joye, D Biltereyst
Journal of Aging and Health 32 (9), 998-1007, 2020
Close, but not close enough? Audience’s reactions to domesticated distant suffering in international news coverage
E Huiberts, S Joye
Media, Culture & Society 40 (3), 333-347, 2018
Research on mediated suffering within social sciences: Expert views on identifying a disciplinary home and research agenda
S Joye
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 38 (2), 106-121, 2013
Media and disasters: Demarcating an emerging and interdisciplinary area of research
S Joye
Sociology Compass 8 (8), 993-1003, 2014
De media (de) constructie van rampen: onderzoek naar de selectie en berichtgeving van rampen in Vlaamse nieuwsmedia
S Joye
Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap 38 (2), 2010
Selling displaced people? A multi‐method study of the public communication strategies of international refugee organisations
D Ongenaert, S Joye
Disasters 43 (3), 478-508, 2019
Around the world in 8 pages? A longitudinal analysis of international news coverage in Flemish newspapers (1986-2006)
S Joye
Academia Press, 2010
Critical discourse analysis: the articulation of power and ideology in texts
S Joye, P Maeseele
Qualitative data analysis: Key approaches, 17-42, 2022
Reframing the remake: Dutch-Flemish monolingual remakes and their theoretical and conceptual implications
E Cuelenaere, S Joye, G Willems
Frames Cinema Journal, 2016
Remaking identities and stereotypes: How film remakes transform and reinforce nationality, disability, and gender
E Cuelenaere, G Willems, S Joye
European Journal of Cultural Studies 22 (5-6), 613-629, 2019
Local flavors and regional markers: The Low Countries and their commercially driven and proximity-focused film remake practice
E Cuelenaere, S Joye, G Willems
Communications 44 (3), 262-281, 2019
Sharing is caring: the everyday informal exchange of health information among adults aged fifty and over
M Huisman, D Biltereyst, S Joye
Information Research-An International Electronic Journal 25 (1), 2020
Who cares for the suffering other? A survey-based study into reactions toward images of distant suffering
E Huiberts, S Joye
International Communication Gazette 81 (6-8), 562-579, 2019
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Articles 1–20