Clément Malgouyres
Clément Malgouyres
CREST, CNRS, Institut des politiques publiques--PSE
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Cited by
Cited by
The impact of Chinese import competition on the local structure of employment and wages: Evidence from France
C Malgouyres
Journal of Regional Science 57 (3), 411-441, 2017
Trade shocks and far-right voting: Evidence from French presidential elections
C Malgouyres
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Research Paper No. RSCAS 21, 2017
The economic incentives of cultural transmission: Spatial evidence from naming patterns across france
Y Algan, C Malgouyres, T Mayer, M Thoenig
The Economic Journal 132 (642), 437-470, 2022
Territories, well-being and public policy
Y Algan, C Malgouyres, C Senik
Notes du conseil danalyse economique 55 (1), 1-12, 2020
Technology-induced trade shocks? Evidence from broadband expansion in France
C Malgouyres, T Mayer, C Mazet-Sonilhac
Journal of International Economics 133, 103520, 2021
Who benefits from tax incentives? The heterogeneous wage incidence of a tax credit
C Carbonnier, C Malgouyres, L Py, C Urvoy
Journal of Public Economics 206, 104577, 2022
Technological change and domestic outsourcing
A Bergeaud, C Malgouyres, C Mazet-Sonilhac, S Signorelli
Follow the money! Why dividends overreact to flat-tax reforms
L Bach, A Bozio, A Guillouzouic, C Leroy, C Malgouyres
Does holding elections during a Covid-19 pandemic put the lives of politicians at risk?
L Bach, A Guillouzouic, C Malgouyres
Journal of health economics 78, 102462, 2021
Diversity and employment prospects: Neighbors matter!
C Hémet, C Malgouyres
Journal of Human Resources 53 (3), 825-858, 2018
Understanding the reallocation of displaced workers to firms
P Brandily, C Hémet, C Malgouyres
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP17071, 2022
Exports and labor costs: evidence from a French policy
C Malgouyres, T Mayer
Review of World Economics 154 (3), 429-454, 2018
Spatial wage inequality in North America and Western Europe: changes between and within local labour markets 1975-2019
L Bauluz, P Bukowski, M Fransham, A Lee, M Lopez Forero, F Novokmet, ...
Banque de France Working Paper, 2024
From public labs to private firms: magnitude and channels of R&D spillovers
A Bergeaud, A Guillouzouic, E Henry, C Malgouyres
London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic …, 2022
Évaluer les effets de l'impôt sur la fortune et de sa suppression sur le tissu productif
L Bach, A Bozio, A Guillouzouic, C Malgouyres
Institut des politiques publiques (IPP), 2021
Les déterminants locaux du mécontentement: analyse statistique au niveau communal
E Davoine, É Fize, C Malgouyres
Focus du CAE, 2020
Les impacts du crédit impôt recherche sur la performance économique des entreprises
L Bach, A Bozio, A Guillouzouic, C Malgouyres, N Serrano-Velarde
Institut des politiques publiques (IPP), 2021
Évaluation des effets du dispositif Cifre sur les entreprises et les doctorants participants
A Guillouzouic, C Malgouyres
HAL Working Papers, 2020
Coût du travail et exportations: analyses sur données d'entreprises
C Malgouyres
Institut des politiques publiques (IPP), 2019
Services policy reform and manufacturing employment: Evidence from transition economies
M Fiorini, B Hoekman, C Malgouyres
The World Economy 41 (9), 2320-2348, 2018
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Articles 1–20