Dmitry Bogdanov
Cited by
Cited by
Essentia: An audio analysis library for music information retrieval
D Bogdanov, N Wack, E Gómez Gutiérrez, S Gulati, H Boyer, O Mayor, ...
Britto A, Gouyon F, Dixon S, editors. 14th Conference of the International …, 2013
Freesound datasets: a platform for the creation of open audio datasets
E Fonseca, J Pons Puig, X Favory, F Font Corbera, D Bogdanov, ...
Hu X, Cunningham SJ, Turnbull D, Duan Z, editors. Proceedings of the 18th …, 2017
Music recommender systems
M Schedl, P Knees, B McFee, D Bogdanov, M Kaminskas
Recommender systems handbook, 453-492, 2015
The mtg-jamendo dataset for automatic music tagging
D Bogdanov, M Won, P Tovstogan, A Porter, X Serra
ICML, 2019
Semantic audio content-based music recommendation and visualization based on user preference examples
D Bogdanov, M Haro, F Fuhrmann, A Xambó, E Gómez, P Herrera
Information Processing & Management 49 (1), 13-33, 2013
Essentia: an open-source library for sound and music analysis
D Bogdanov, N Wack, E Gómez, S Gulati, P Herrera, O Mayor, G Roma, ...
Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Multimedia, 855-858, 2013
Evaluation of cnn-based automatic music tagging models
M Won, A Ferraro, D Bogdanov, X Serra
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.00751, 2020
Unifying low-level and high-level music similarity measures
D Bogdanov, J Serrà, N Wack, P Herrera, X Serra
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 13 (4), 687-701, 2011
Acousticbrainz: a community platform for gathering music information obtained from audio
A Porter, D Bogdanov, R Kaye, R Tsukanov, X Serra
Müller M, Wiering F, editors. ISMIR 2015. 16th International Society for …, 2015
How much metadata do we need in music recommendation?: A subjective evaluation using preference sets
D Bogdanov, H Boyer
Klapuri A, Leider C, editors. 12th International Society for Music …, 2011
Content-based music recommendation based on user preference examples
D Bogdanov, M Haro Berois, F Fuhrmann, E Gómez Gutiérrez, H Boyer
Anglade A, Baccigalupo C, Casagrande N, Celma Ò, Lamere P, editors. Workshop …, 2010
Music recommendation systems: Techniques, use cases, and challenges
M Schedl, P Knees, B McFee, D Bogdanov
Recommender systems handbook, 927-971, 2021
MediaEval 2019: Emotion and theme recognition in music using Jamendo
D Bogdanov, A Porter, P Tovstogan, M Won
Larson M, Hicks S, Constantin MG, Bischke B, Porter A, Zhao P, Lux M …, 2019
Tensorflow audio models in essentia
P Alonso-Jiménez, D Bogdanov, J Pons, X Serra
ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2020
Cross-collection evaluation for music classification tasks
D Bogdanov, A Porter, H Boyer, X Serra
Devaney J, Mandel MI, Turnbull D, Tzanetakis G, editors. ISMIR 2016 …, 2016
From low-level to high-level: Comparative study of music similarity measures
D Bogdanov, J Serra, N Wack, P Herrera
2009 11th IEEE international symposium on multimedia, 453-458, 2009
The acousticbrainz genre dataset: Multi-source, multi-level, multi-label, and large-scale
D Bogdanov, A Porter, H Schreiber, J Urbano, S Oramas
Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the International Society for Music …, 2019
Enriched music representations with multiple cross-modal contrastive learning
A Ferraro, X Favory, K Drossos, Y Kim, D Bogdanov
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 28, 733-737, 2021
Acoustic scene classification by ensembling gradient boosting machine and convolutional neural networks
E Fonseca, R Gong, D Bogdanov, O Slizovskaia, E Gómez Gutiérrez, ...
Virtanen T, Mesaros A, Heittola T, Diment A, Vincent E, Benetos E, Martinez …, 2017
What is the effect of audio quality on the robustness of MFCCs and chroma features?
J Urbano, D Bogdanov, H Boyer, E Gómez Gutiérrez, X Serra
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the International Society for Music …, 2014
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Articles 1–20