Mariona Taulé
Mariona Taulé
Professor of Linguistics, Universitat de Barcelona
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Cited by
Ancora: Multilevel annotated corpora for Catalan and Spanish.
M Taulé, MA Martí, M Recasens
Lrec 2008, 96-101, 2008
Semeval-2010 task 1: Coreference resolution in multiple languages
M Recasens, L Màrquez, E Sapena, MA Martí, M Taulé, V Hoste, ...
Proceedings of the 5th international workshop on semantic evaluation, 1-8, 2010
Overview of the task on stance and gender detection in tweets on Catalan independence at IberEval 2017
M Taulé, MA Martí, FM Rangel, P Rosso, C Bosco, V Patti
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1881, 157-177, 2017
An environment for mophosyntactic processing of unrestricted Spanish text
JC Vargas, S Cervell, L Marquez, MA Martí, LP Cirera, R Placer, ...
First International Conference on language resources & evaluation: Granada …, 1998
Bilingual newsgroups in Catalonia: A challenge for machine translation
S Climent, J Moré, A Oliver, M Salvatierra, I Sànchez, M Taulé, ...
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 9 (1), JCMC919, 2003
SFU ReviewSP-NEG: a Spanish corpus annotated with negation for sentiment analysis. A typology of negation patterns
SM Jiménez-Zafra, M Taulé, MT Martín-Valdivia, LA Urena-López, ...
Language Resources and Evaluation 52, 533-569, 2018
Morphosyntactic analysis and parsing of unrestricted spanish text
J Atserias, J Carmona, I Castellón, S Cervell, M Civit, L Marquez, MA Martí, ...
First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'98 …, 1998
Lluıs Marquez, Emili Sapena, M. Antonia Martı, Mariona Taulé, Véronique Hoste, Massimo Poesio, and Yannick Versley. 2010. Semeval-2010 task 1: Coreference resolution in …
M Recasens
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 1-8, 2010
AnCora-Verb: A Lexical Resource for the Semantic Annotation of Corpora.
J Aparicio, M Taulé, MA Martí
LREC, 2008
Semeval-2007 task 09: Multilevel semantic annotation of Catalan and Spanish
L Màrquez, L Villarejo, MA Martí, M Taulé
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations …, 2007
Methods and tools for building the Catalan WordNet
L Benítez, S Cervell, G Escudero, M López, G Rigau, M Taulé
arXiv preprint cmp-lg/9806009, 1998
Overview of the task on multimodal stance detection in tweets on catalan# 1oct referendum.
M Taulé, FMR Pardo, MA Martí, P Rosso
IberEval@ SEPLN, 149-166, 2018
La negación en español: análisis y tipología de patrones de negación
MA Martí, M Taulé, M Nofre, L Marsó, MT Martín-Valdivia, ...
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 41-48, 2016
Language variety identification using distributed representations of words and documents
M Franco-Salvador, F Rangel, P Rosso, M Taulé, M Antònia Martít
Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 6th …, 2015
CESS-ECE: A multilingual and multilevel annotated corpus
MA Martı, M Taulé, L Márquez, M Bertran
Available for download from: http://www. lsi. upc. edu/∼ mbertran/cess-ece, 2007
Overview of detoxis at iberlef 2021: Detection of toxicity in comments in spanish
M Taulé, A Ariza, M Nofre, E Amigó, P Rosso
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural 67, 209-221, 2021
Translation equivalence and lexicalization in the ACQUILEX LKB
A Sanfilippo, T Briscoe, A Copestake, MA Martí, M Taule, A Alonge
Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Theoretical and Methodological …, 1992
Overview of PAN 2024: multi-author writing style analysis, multilingual text detoxification, oppositional thinking analysis, and generative AI authorship verification
J Bevendorff, XB Casals, B Chulvi, D Dementieva, A Elnagar, D Freitag, ...
European Conference on Information Retrieval, 3-10, 2024
SEISD: An environment for extraction of Semantic Information from on-line dictionaries
A Ageno, I Castellón, MA Martí, G Rigau, F Ribas, H Rodriguez, M Taulé, ...
Third Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing, 253-254, 1992
Ancora: Multilingual and multilevel annotated corpora
MA Martí, M Taulé, M Bertran, L Màrquez
Available: clic. ub. edu/corpus/webfm_send/13, 2007
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Articles 1–20