kevin bleakley
kevin bleakley
INRIA, France
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Control-FREEC: a tool for assessing copy number and allelic content using next-generation sequencing data
V Boeva, T Popova, K Bleakley, P Chiche, J Cappo, G Schleiermacher, ...
Bioinformatics 28 (3), 423-425, 2012
Supervised prediction of drug–target interactions using bipartite local models
K Bleakley, Y Yamanishi
Bioinformatics 25 (18), 2397-2403, 2009
Control-free calling of copy number alterations in deep-sequencing data using GC-content normalization
V Boeva, A Zinovyev, K Bleakley, JP Vert, I Janoueix-Lerosey, O Delattre, ...
Bioinformatics 27 (2), 268-269, 2011
The group fused lasso for multiple change-point detection
K Bleakley, JP Vert
arXiv preprint arXiv:1106.4199, 2011
DNA barcode analysis: a comparison of phylogenetic and statistical classification methods
F Austerlitz, O David, B Schaeffer, K Bleakley, M Olteanu, R Leblois, ...
BMC bioinformatics 10, 1-13, 2009
Supervised reconstruction of biological networks with local models
K Bleakley, G Biau, JP Vert
Bioinformatics 23 (13), i57-i65, 2007
Fast detection of multiple change-points shared by many signals using group LARS
JP Vert, K Bleakley
Advances in neural information processing systems 23, 2010
Probabilistic density maps to study global endomembrane organization
K Schauer, T Duong, K Bleakley, S Bardin, M Bornens, B Goud
Nature methods 7 (7), 560-566, 2010
Search for a gene expression signature of breast cancer local recurrence in young women
N Servant, MA Bollet, H Halfwerk, K Bleakley, B Kreike, L Jacob, D Sie, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 18 (6), 1704-1715, 2012
Increased adaptive immune responses and proper feedback regulation protect against clinical dengue
E Simon-Loriere, V Duong, A Tawfik, S Ung, S Ly, I Casademont, M Prot, ...
Science translational medicine 9 (405), eaal5088, 2017
Nonparametric sequential prediction of time series
G Biau, K Bleakley, L Györfi, G Ottucsák
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 22 (3), 297-317, 2010
A blood RNA signature detecting severe disease in young dengue patients at hospital arrival
I Nikolayeva, P Bost, I Casademont, V Duong, F Koeth, M Prot, ...
The Journal of infectious diseases 217 (11), 1690-1698, 2018
Joint modelling of longitudinal and repeated time-to-event data using nonlinear mixed-effects models and the stochastic approximation expectation–maximization algorithm
C Mbogning, K Bleakley, M Lavielle
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 85 (8), 1512-1528, 2015
Statistical inference on graphs
G Biau, K Bleakley
Statistics & Decisions 24 (2), 209-232, 2006
Childhood encephalitis in the Greater Mekong region (the SouthEast Asia Encephalitis Project): a multicentre prospective study
JD Pommier, C Gorman, Y Crabol, K Bleakley, H Sothy, K Santy, ...
The Lancet global health 10 (7), e989-e1002, 2022
Corticosteroid receptors adopt distinct cyclical transcriptional signatures
F Le Billan, L Amazit, K Bleakley, QY Xue, E Pussard, C Lhadj, P Kolkhof, ...
FASEB Journal 32 (10), 5626-5639, 2018
Automatic data binning for improved visual diagnosis of pharmacometric models
M Lavielle, K Bleakley
Journal of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics 38, 861-871, 2011
Comparison of dengue case classification schemes and evaluation of biological changes in different dengue clinical patterns in a longitudinal follow-up of hospitalized children …
P Dussart, V Duong, K Bleakley, C Fortas, P Lorn Try, KS Kim, R Choeung, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 14 (9), e0008603, 2020
IMGT standardization for statistical analyses of T cell receptor junctions: the TRAV-TRAJ example
K Bleakley, V Giudicelli, Y Wu, MP Lefranc, G Biau
In silico biology 6 (6), 573-588, 2006
Long signal change-point detection
G Biau, K Bleakley, DM Mason
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