Deborah J Serrien
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Cited by
Dynamics of hemispheric specialization and integration in the context of motor control
DJ Serrien, RB Ivry, SP Swinnen
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 7 (2), 160-166, 2006
Cognitive effort and motor learning
TD Lee, SP Swinnen, DJ Serrien
Quest 46 (3), 328-344, 1994
Interlimb coordination: Learning and transfer under different feedback conditions
SP Swinnen, TD Lee, S Verschueren, DJ Serrien, H Bogaerds
Human movement science 16 (6), 749-785, 1997
Motor inhibition in patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome: functional activation patterns as revealed by EEG coherence
DJ Serrien, M Orth, AH Evans, AJ Lees, P Brown
Brain 128 (1), 116-125, 2005
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the supplementary motor area (SMA) degrades bimanual movement control in humans
DJ Serrien, LHA Strens, A Oliviero, P Brown
Neuroscience letters 328 (2), 89-92, 2002
Control of asymmetrical bimanual movements
SP Swinnen, DE Young, CB Walter, DJ Serrien
Experimental Brain Research 85, 163-173, 1991
Acquiring bimanual skills: contrasting forms of information feedback for interlimb decoupling.
SP Swinnen, CB Walter, TD Lee, DJ Serrien
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 19 (6), 1328, 1993
The importance of the dominant hemisphere in the organization of bimanual movements
DJ Serrien, MJ Cassidy, P Brown
Human brain mapping 18 (4), 296-305, 2003
The missing link between action and cognition
DJ Serrien, RB Ivry, SP Swinnen
Progress in neurobiology 82 (2), 95-107, 2007
Age-related deterioration of coordinated interlimb behavior
DJ Serrien, SP Swinnen, GE Stelmach
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 2000
Functional significance of the ipsilateral hemisphere during movement of the affected hand after stroke
DJ Serrien, LHA Strens, MJ Cassidy, AJ Thompson, P Brown
Experimental neurology 190 (2), 425-432, 2004
Relative phase destabilization during interlimb coordination: the disruptive role of kinesthetic afferences induced by passive movement
SP Swinnen, N Dounskaia, S Verschueren, DJ Serrien, A Daelman
Experimental Brain Research 105, 439-454, 1990
Preferred and induced coordination modes during the acquisition of bimanual movements with a 2: 1 frequency ratio.
SP Swinnen, N Dounskaia, CB Walter, DJ Serrien
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception and performance 23 (4 …, 1997
The functional role of interhemispheric synchronization in the control of bimanual timing tasks
DJ Serrien, P Brown
Experimental brain research 147, 268-272, 2002
Role of the corpus callosum in bimanual coordination: a comparison of patients with congenital and acquired callosal damage
DJ Serrien, AC Nirkko, M Wiesendanger
European Journal of Neuroscience 14 (11), 1897-1905, 2001
Coordination constraints during bimanual versus unimanual performance conditions
DJ Serrien
Neuropsychologia 46 (2), 419-425, 2008
The integration of cortical and behavioural dynamics during initial learning of a motor task
DJ Serrien, P Brown
European Journal of Neuroscience 17 (5), 1098-1104, 2003
Temporal control of a bimanual task in patients with cerebellar dysfunction
DJ Serrien, M Wiesendanger
Neuropsychologia 38 (5), 558-565, 2000
Movement control of manipulative tasks in patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome
DJ Serrien, AC Nirkko, TJ Loher, KO Lövblad, JM Burgunder, ...
Brain 125 (2), 290-300, 2002
Grip-load force coordination in cerebellar patients
DJ Serrien, M Wiesendanger
Experimental brain research 128, 76-80, 1999
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