Enora Denimal Goy
Enora Denimal Goy
Andere namenEnora Denimal
Junior researcher, Chargée de Recherche, Inria
Geverifieerd e-mailadres voor inria.fr
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Propagation of friction parameter uncertainties in the nonlinear dynamic response of turbine blades with underplatform dampers
J Yuan, A Fantetti, E Denimal, S Bhatnagar, L Pesaresi, C Schwingshackl, ...
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 156, 107673, 2021
Squeal analysis based on the effect and determination of the most influential contacts between the different components of an automotive brake system
E Denimal, JJ Sinou, S Nacivet, L Nechak
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 151, 192-213, 2019
A novel hybrid surrogate model and its application on a mechanical system subjected to friction-induced vibration
E Denimal, L Nechak, JJ Sinou, S Nacivet
Journal of Sound and Vibration 434, 456-474, 2018
Parametric study and uncertainty quantification of the nonlinear modal properties of frictional dampers
Y Sun, J Yuan, L Pesaresi, E Denimal, L Salles
Journal of vibration and acoustics 142 (5), 051102, 2020
Kriging Surrogate Models for Predicting the Complex Eigenvalues of Mechanical Systems Subjected to Friction‐Induced Vibration
E Denimal, L Nechak, JJ Sinou, S Nacivet
Shock and vibration 2016 (1), 3586230, 2016
Influence of structural modifications of automotive brake systems for squeal events with kriging meta-modelling method
E Denimal, JJ Sinou, S Nacivet
Journal of Sound and Vibration 463, 114938, 2019
Nonlinear modal analysis of frictional ring damper for compressor blisk
Y Sun, J Yuan, E Denimal, L Salles
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 143 (3), 031008, 2021
Topological Optimization of Under-Platform Dampers with Moving Morphable Components and Global Optimization Algorithm for Nonlinear Frequency Response
E Denimal, F El Haddad, C Wong, L Salles
Journal of Engineering of Gas Turbines and Power, 2021
Reliable crack detection in a rotor system with uncertainties via advanced simulation models based on kriging and Polynomial Chaos Expansion
JJ Sinou, E Denimal
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 92, 104451, 2022
Geometric design of friction ring dampers in blisks using nonlinear modal analysis and Kriging surrogate model
Y Sun, E Denimal, J Yuan, L Salles
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 65 (3), 98, 2022
Advanced kriging-based surrogate modelling and sensitivity analysis for rotordynamics with uncertainties
E Denimal, JJ Sinou
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 90, 104331, 2021
On the Efficiency of a Conical Under-Platform Damper for Turbines
E Denimal, L Salles, C Wong, L Pesaresi
Journal of Engineering of Gas Turbines and Power, 2021
On the influence of multiple contact conditions on brake squeal
E Denimal, S Nacivet, L Nechak, JJ Sinou
Procedia engineering 199, 3260-3265, 2017
Whining noise computation of a planetary gear set induced by the multi-mesh excitations
J Neufond, E Denimal, E Rigaud, J Perret-Liaudet, A Carbonelli
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2019
Topology optimisation of friction under-platform dampers using moving morphable components and the efficient global optimization algorithm
E Denimal, L Renson, C Wong, L Salles
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 65 (2), 56, 2022
Generalized Modal Amplitude Stability Analysis for the prediction of the nonlinear dynamic response of mechanical systems subjected to friction-induced vibrations
E Denimal, JJ Sinou, S Nacivet
Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020
Linear time invariant approximation for subspace identification of linear periodic systems applied to wind turbines
A Cadoret, E Denimal, JM Leroy, JL Pfister, L Mevel
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (6), 49-54, 2022
Prediction of squeal instabilities of a finite element model automotive brake with uncertain structural and environmental parameters with a hybrid surrogate model
E Denimal, JJ Sinou, S Nacivet
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 144 (2), 021006, 2022
Advanced computational technique based on kriging and Polynomial Chaos Expansion for structural stability of mechanical systems with uncertainties
E Denimal, JJ Sinou
Journal of Engineering Mathematics 130 (1), 7, 2021
Prediction and analysis of quasi-periodic solution for friction-induced vibration of an industrial brake system with the Generalized Modal Amplitude Stability Analysis
E Denimal, JJ Sinou, S Nacivet
Journal of Sound and Vibration 506, 116164, 2021
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