Isabel Carmona-Cobo
Isabel Carmona-Cobo
Assistant Professor. Department of Psychology, University of Jaen
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Positive benefits of caring on nurses’ motivation and well-being: A diary study about the role of emotional regulation abilities at work
LMB Donoso, E Demerouti, EG Hernandez, B Moreno-Jimenez, IC Cobo
International journal of nursing studies 52 (4), 804-816, 2015
Salud laboral y bienestar: Incorporación de modelos positivos a la comprensión y prevención de los riesgos psicosociales del trabajo
E Garrosa Hernández, I Carmona Cobo
Medicina y Seguridad del trabajo 57, 224-238, 2011
How do curiosity, meaning in life, and search for meaning predict college students’ daily emotional exhaustion and engagement?
E Garrosa, LM Blanco-Donoso, I Carmona-Cobo, B Moreno-Jiménez
Journal of Happiness Studies 18, 17-40, 2017
The relationships between family-work interaction, job-related exhaustion, detachment, and meaning in life: A day-level study of emotional well-being
E Garrosa-Hernández, I Carmona-Cobo, F Ladstätter, LM Blanco, ...
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones 29 (3), 169-177, 2013
Personal resources and personal vulnerability factors at work: An application of the Job Demands-Resources model among teachers at private schools in Peru
S Corso-de-Zúñiga, B Moreno-Jiménez, E Garrosa, LM Blanco-Donoso, ...
Current Psychology 39, 325-336, 2020
Academic engagement: A diary study on the mediating role of academic support
M Robayo-Tamayo, LM Blanco-Donoso, FJ Román, I Carmona-Cobo, ...
Learning and Individual Differences 80, 101887, 2020
Estrés y bienestar en profesionales de enfermería intensiva dentro del ámbito de la donación y el trasplante de órganos: una propuesta desde la psicología de la salud ocupacional
LM Blanco-Donoso, I Carmona-Cobo, B Moreno-Jiménez, ...
Medicina y seguridad del trabajo 64 (252), 244-262, 2018
Observers’ reactions to workplace incivility in the masculine domain: How does role congruency explain gender bias in future workers?
I Carmona‐Cobo, E Lopez‐Zafra, E Garrosa
Scandinavian journal of psychology 60 (6), 628-636, 2019
El impacto emocional del incivismo laboral y el abuso verbal en el trabajo: el papel protector de la recuperación diaria
E Garrosa, I Carmona-Cobo, B Moreno-Jiménez, A Sanz-Vergel
anales de psicología 31 (1), 190-198, 2015
Hospital nurses experiencing day‐to‐day workplace incivility: A diary study on the benefits of daily social support
I Carmona‐Cobo, E Lopez‐Zafra
Journal of Nursing Management 30 (6), 1577-1589, 2022
The experience of work engagement, hardy personality, optimism and subjective well-being among nurses from China and Spain: A cross-cultural study
E Garrosa, F Ladstätter, B Moreno-Jiménez, E Gan, I Carmona-Cobo
Open Journal of Social Sciences 2, 106-109, 2014
10. Trauma y trabajo: el estrés traumático secundario
BM Jiménez, IC Cobo, LMB Donoso, RMM Lara
Salud laboral: riesgos laborales psicosociales y bienestar laboral, 197-222, 2013
Beneficios positivos de cuidar en la motivación y el bienestar del personal de enfermería: un estudio de diario sobre el papel de las habilidades de regulación emocional en el …
LM Donoso, E Demerouti, B Jiménez
International Journal of Nursing Studies 52, 804-816, 2015
Is ambition a gendered issue? Students vs employees antecedents of Ambition about Leadership
E Lopez-Zafra, N Sánchez-Álvarez, I Carmona-Cobo
Anales de Psicología/Annals of Psychology 37 (2), 352-360, 2021
Work Intensification and Its Effects on Mental Health: The Role of Workplace Curiosity
LM Blanco-Donoso, S Hodzic, E Garrosa, I Carmona-Cobo, B Kubicek
The Journal of Psychology 157 (7), 423-450, 2023
Influencia de los estereotipos de género en la valoración del incivismo laboral
EB Isabel Carmona-Cobo, Eva Garrosa, Bernardo Moreno-Jiménez
Cadernos de Psicologia Social do Trabalho 17 (2), 190-205, 2014
Emotional impact of workplace incivility and verbal abuse at work: Daily recovery influence
E Garrosa, I Carmona-Cobo, B Moreno-Jiménez
Anales de Psicología 31 (1), 190, 2015
Daily Beneficial Effects of Work-to-Family Facilitation on Employees' Recovery and General Health: Is More Work Engagement Always Better?
I Carmona-Cobo, LM Blanco-Donoso, E Garrosa
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 661267, 2021
Workers’ observation of uncivil leadership: is tolerance for workplace incivility a gendered issue?
I Carmona-Cobo, E Garrosa, E Lopez-Zafra
Sustainability 13 (11), 6111, 2021
Emociones positivas laborales
E Garrosa, I Carmona-Cobo, LM Blanco-Donoso
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Articles 1–20