Filip Moons
Filip Moons
PhD researcher in Mathematics Education
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Distance mathematics teaching in Flanders, Germany, and the Netherlands during COVID-19 lockdown
P Drijvers, D Thurm, E Vandervieren, M Klinger, F Moons, H van der Ree, ...
Educational Studies in Mathematics 108 (1), 35-64, 2021
Atomic, reusable feedback: a semi-automated solution for assessing handwritten tasks? A crossover experiment with mathematics teachers.
F Moons, E Vandervieren, J Colpaert
Computers and Education Open 3, 100086, 2022
Measuring agreement among several raters classifying subjects into one-or-more (hierarchical) nominal categories. A generalisation of Fleiss' kappa
F Moons, E Vandervieren
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.12502, 2023
Distance mathematics education in Flanders, Germany, and the Netherlands during the COVID 19 lockdown—the student perspective
D Thurm, E Vandervieren, F Moons, P Drijvers, B Barzel, M Klinger, ...
ZDM–Mathematics Education 55 (1), 79-93, 2023
Math@ distance: distance mathematics teaching during Covid-19 lockdown
PHM Drijvers
Moving forward in the midst of a pandemic: International lessons for math …, 2020
Handwritten math exams with multiple assessors: researching the added value of semi-automated assessment with atomic feedback
F Moons, E Vandervieren
Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics …, 2022
The reappearance of logic in Flemish secondary mathematics education
A Holvoet
Thesis presented in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master …, 2021
An importance sampling approach to the estimation of algorithm performance in automated algorithm design
S Adriaensen, F Moons, A Nowé
Learning and Intelligent Optimization: 11th International Conference, LION …, 2017
Checkbox grading of handwritten mathematics exams with multiple assessors: how do students react to the resulting atomic feedback? A mixed-method study
F Moons, P Iannone, E Vandervieren
ZDM–Mathematics Education, 1-17, 2024
Comparing reusable, atomic feedback with classic feedback on a linear equations task using text mining and qualitative techniques
F Moons, A Holvoet, K Klingbeil, E Vandervieren
British Journal of Educational Technology, 2024
Semi-automated assessment of handwritten mathematics tasks: Atomic, reusable feedback for assessing student tests by teachers and exams by a group of assessors
F Moons
University of Antwerp, 2023
Wiskundige vaardigheden binnen PAV
F Moons, M De Beucker, H Rosius, L Van Assche
Vakdidactiek PAV-Leren in samenhang/Placklé, I.[edit.]; et al.[edit.], 109-140, 2020
Haal'De Mol'in je wiskundeles
F Moons, H Lens
Uitwiskeling.-Oud-Heverlee, 1984, currens 33 (2), 10-14, 2017
The Scott Topology
F Moons
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Department of Mathematics, 2013
Game theory: Distributed selfish load balancing on networks
F Moons
Checkbox grading of handwritten mathematics exams with multiple assessors: how do students react to the resulting atomic feedback?
P Iannone, F Moons, E Vandervieren
ZDM 56, 757-773, 2024
What Went Well, What Went Badly? Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives on Remote Mathematics Teaching During Pandemic School Closure
P Drijvers, F Moons, M Klinger, D Thurm, E Vandervieren, H van der Ree, ...
Handbook of Digital Resources in Mathematics Education, 801-821, 2024
De grootste omwenteling moet van onszelf komen: Zelfverwezenlijking als sleutel voor onderwijskwaliteit
F Moons
Th&ma 2024 (1), 59-62, 2024
Blind versus visible checkbox grading: Does not seeing the grades when assessing mathematics enhance inter-rater reliability?
F Moons, E Vandervieren
Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics …, 2023
Measuring agreement among several raters classifying subjects into one-or-more (hierarchical) categories
F Moons
Ghent University, 2023
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Artikelen 1–20