Luca Cristoforetti
Luca Cristoforetti
technologist, FBK
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Design pattern recovery in object-oriented software
G Antoniol, R Fiutem, L Cristoforetti
Proceedings. 6th International Workshop on Program Comprehension. IWPC'98 …, 1998
Using metrics to identify design patterns in object-oriented software
G Antoniol, R Fiutem, L Cristoforetti
Proceedings Fifth International Software Metrics Symposium. Metrics (Cat. No …, 1998
The CHIL audiovisual corpus for lecture and meeting analysis inside smart rooms
D Mostefa, N Moreau, K Choukri, G Potamianos, SM Chu, A Tyagi, ...
Language resources and evaluation 41, 389-407, 2007
The DIRHA simulated corpus
L Cristoforetti, M Ravanelli, M Omologo, A Sosi, A Abad, M Hagmüller, ...
Proceedings of LREC 5, 2014
The DIRHA-ENGLISH corpus and related tasks for distant-speech recognition in domestic environments
M Ravanelli, L Cristoforetti, R Gretter, M Pellin, A Sosi, M Omologo
2015 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU …, 2015
WOZ acoustic data collection for interactive TV
A Brutti, L Cristoforetti, W Kellermann, L Marquardt, M Omologo
Language Resources and Evaluation 44, 205-219, 2010
Speaker localization in CHIL lectures: Evaluation criteria and results
M Omologo, P Svaizer, A Brutti, L Cristoforetti
International Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction, 476-487, 2005
Adapting function points to object oriented information systems
G Antoniol, F Calzolari, L Cristoforetti, R Fiutem, G Caldiera
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 10th International Conference …, 1998
The SCENIC project: Space-time audio processing for environment-aware acoustic sensing and rendering
P Annibale, F Antonacci, P Bestagini, A Brutti, A Canclini, L Cristoforetti, ...
Modifications on NIST MarkIII array to improve coherence properties among input signals
L Brayda, C Bertotti, L Cristoforetti, M Omologo, P Svaizer
AES, 118th Audio Engineering Society Convention, Barcelona, Spain, 2005
Use of parallel recognizers for robust in-car speech interaction
L Cristoforetti, M Matassoni, M Omologo, P Svaizer
2003 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2003
Some results on the development of a hands-free speech recognizer for carenvironment
M Matassoni, M Omologo, L Cristoforetti, D Giuliani, P Svaizer, E Trentin, ...
Proc. of ASRU, 1999
A speech driven in-car assistance system
P Coletti, L Cristoforetti, M Matassoni, M Omologo, P Svaizer, P Geutner, ...
IEEE IV2003 Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. Proceedings (Cat. No. 03TH8683 …, 2003
Annotation of a Multichannel Noisy Speech Corpus.
L Cristoforetti, M Matassoni, M Omologo, P Svaizer, E Zovato
LREC, 2000
The SCENIC Project: Environment-aware Sound Sensing and Rendering
P Annibale, F Antonacci, P Bestagini, A Brutti, A Canclini, L Cristoforetti, ...
Procedia Computer Science 7, 150-152, 2011
Real-time prototype for multiple source tracking through generalized state coherence transform and particle filtering
F Nesta, A Brutti, L Cristoforetti
2011 Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays …, 2011
Developing a speech interaction system for the car
P Coletti, L Cristoforetti, M Matassoni, M Omologo, P Svaizer
Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced …, 2003
The SCENIC Project: Space-Time Audio Processing for Environment-Aware Acoustic Sensingand Rendering
P Annibale, F Antonacci, P Bestagini, A Brutti, A Canclini, L Cristoforetti, ...
Audio Engineering Society Convention 131, 2011
DICIT: Evaluation of a Distant-talking Speech Interface for Television.
T Sowa, F Arisio, L Cristoforetti
LREC, 2010
Use of Multiple Speech Recognition Units in an In-car Assistance System
A Brutti, P Coletti, L Cristoforetti, P Geutner, A Giacomini, M Maistrello, ...
DSP for In-Vehicle and Mobile Systems, 97-111, 2005
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Articles 1–20