Dan O'Brien
Dan O'Brien
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Competitive effects of partial ownership: Financial interest and corporate control
DP O'brien, SC Salop
Antitrust LJ 67, 559, 1999
Vertical control with bilateral contracts
DP O'Brien, G Shaffer
The RAND Journal of Economics, 299-308, 1992
Nonlinear supply contracts, exclusive dealing, and equilibrium market foreclosure
DP O'Brien, G Shaffer
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 6 (4), 755-785, 1997
A critical analysis of critical loss analysis
DP O'Brien, AL Wickelgren
Antitrust LJ 71, 161, 2003
The existence of Pareto-superior price limits
LE Kodres, DP O'Brien
The American economic review, 919-932, 1994
The competitive effects of common ownership: We know less than we think
DP O'Brien, K Waehrer
Antitrust LJ 81, 729, 2016
The welfare effects of forbidding discriminatory discounts: A secondary line analysis of Robinson-Patman
DP O'Brien, G Shaffer
The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 10 (2), 296-318, 1994
On the dampening-of-competition effect of exclusive dealing
DP O'Brien, G Shaffer
The Journal of Industrial Economics, 215-221, 1993
Content for free? Drivers of past payment, paying intent and willingness to pay for digital journalism–a systematic literature review
D O’Brien, CM Wellbrock, N Kleer
Digital journalism 8 (5), 643-672, 2020
The competitive effects of common ownership: Economic foundations and empirical evidence
P Kennedy, DP O'Brien, M Song, K Waehrer
Available at SSRN 3008331, 2017
Bargaining, bundling, and clout: the portfolio effects of horizontal mergers
DP O'Brien, G Shaffer
RAND Journal of Economics, 573-595, 2005
The welfare effects of third‐degree price discrimination in intermediate good markets: the case of bargaining
DP O'Brien
The RAND Journal of Economics 45 (1), 92-115, 2014
Demand system estimation and its application to horizontal merger analysis
D Hosken, D O'Brien, DT Scheffman, M Vita
Bureau of Economics, US FTC, 2002
Does price discrimination intensify competition-implications for antitrust
JC Cooper, L Froeb, DP O'Brien, S Tschantz
Antitrust LJ 72, 327, 2004
A new Hendra virus genotype found in Australian flying foxes
J Wang, DE Anderson, K Halpin, X Hong, H Chen, S Walker, S Valdeter, ...
Virology journal 18, 1-13, 2021
A comparative study of United States and European Union approaches to vertical policy
JC Cooper, LM Froeb, DP O'Brien, MG Vita
Geo. Mason L. Rev. 13, 289, 2004
The relationship between factor VII coagulant activity and factor XII activation induced in plasma by endogenous or exogenously added contact surface
KA Mitropoulos, BEA Reeves, DP O'Brien, JA Cooper, JC Martin
Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis 4 (2), 223-234, 1993
Ethics and severe pandemic influenza: maintaining essential functions through a fair and considered response
NE Kass, J Otto, D O'Brien, M Minson
Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science 6 …, 2008
Vertical restrictions and antitrust policy: What about the evidence?
JC Cooper, LM Froeb, DP O'Brien, M Vita
Competition Policy International 1 (2), 05-32, 2005
The competitive effects of passive minority equity interests: reply
DP O'Brien, SC Salop
Antitrust LJ 69, 611, 2001
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Articles 1–20