Brendan Coolsaet
Brendan Coolsaet
FNRS, UCLouvain
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Cited by
Justice and conservation: The need to incorporate recognition
A Martin, B Coolsaet, E Corbera, NM Dawson, JA Fraser, I Lehmann, ...
Biological Conservation 197, 254-261, 2016
The role of Indigenous peoples and local communities in effective and equitable conservation
N Dawson, B Coolsaet, E Sterling, R Loveridge, D Nicole, ...
Ecology and Society 26 (3), 2021
Decolonizing environmental justice studies: a Latin American perspective
L Álvarez, B Coolsaet
Capitalism nature socialism 31 (2), 50-69, 2020
Social-ecological outcomes of agricultural intensification
LV Rasmussen, B Coolsaet, A Martin, O Mertz, U Pascual, E Corbera, ...
Nature Sustainability 1 (6), 275-282, 2018
Towards an indicator system to assess equitable management in protected areas
N Zafra-Calvo, U Pascual, D Brockington, B Coolsaet, JA Cortes-Vazquez, ...
Biological Conservation 211, 134-141, 2017
Towards an agroecology of knowledges: Recognition, cognitive justice and farmers’ autonomy in France
B Coolsaet
Journal of Rural Studies 47, 165–171, 2016
Progress toward equitably managed protected areas in Aichi target 11: a global survey
N Zafra-Calvo, E Garmendia, U Pascual, I Palomo, N Gross-Camp, ...
BioScience 69 (3), 191-197, 2019
Environmental Justice: Key Issues
B Coolsaet
Routledge, 2020
Environmental Justice and Transformations to Sustainability
A Martin, MT Armijos, B Coolsaet, N Dawson, G AS Edwards, R Few, ...
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 62 (6), 19-30, 2020
Justice and equity: emerging research and policy approaches to address ecosystem service trade-offs
N Dawson, B Coolsaet, A Martin
Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation, 22-38, 2018
Transformative Participation in Agrobiodiversity Governance: Making the Case for an Environmental Justice Approach
B Coolsaet
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (6), 1089-1104, 2015
Conflicts between agriculture and biodiversity conservation in Europe: Looking to the future by learning from the past
L Lecuyer, D Alard, S Calla, B Coolsaet, T Fickel, K Heinsoo, K Henle, ...
Advances in Ecological Research 65, 3-56, 2022
Land use intensification: The promise of sustainability and the reality of trade-offs
A Martin, B Coolsaet, E Corbera, N Dawson, J Fisher, P Franks, O Mertz, ...
Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation, 94-110, 2018
Recognition and environmental justice
B Coolsaet, PY Néron
Environmental Justice. London: Routledge, 52-63, 2020
Fair and Equitable Negotiations? African Influence and the International Access and Benefit-Sharing Regime
B Coolsaet, J Pitseys
Global Environmental Politics 15 (2), 38–56, 2015
Implementing the Nagoya Protocol: Comparing Access and Benefit-sharing Regimes in Europe
B Coolsaet, F Batur, A Broggiato, J Pitseys, T Dedeurwaerdere
Hotei Publishing, 2015
Rethinking and upholding justice and equity in transformative biodiversity governance
J Pickering, B Coolsaet, N Dawson, KM Suiseeya, CYA Inoue, M Lim
Cambridge University Press, 2022
Access and allocation in global biodiversity governance: a review
B Coolsaet, N Dawson, F Rabitz, S Lovera
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 20 (2 …, 2020
Genetic resources for food and agriculture as commons 1
C Frison, B Coolsaet
Routledge handbook of food as a commons, 218-230, 2018
Introduction. Access Benefit-Sharing and the Nagoya Protocol: The Confluence of Abiding Legal Doctrines
A Broggiato, T Dedeurwaerdere, F Batur, B Coolsaet
Implementing the Nagoya Protocol, 1-29, 2015
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Articles 1–20