Changxing Wu (邬昌兴)
Changxing Wu (邬昌兴)
East China Jiaotong University
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Cited by
PAN: Pipeline assisted neural networks model for data-to-text generation in social internet of things
N Jiang, J Chen, RG Zhou, C Wu, H Chen, J Zheng, T Wan
Information Sciences 530, 167-179, 2020
A label dependence-aware sequence generation model for multi-level implicit discourse relation recognition
C Wu, L Cao, Y Ge, Y Liu, M Zhang, J Su
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 (10), 11486 …, 2022
Bilingually-constrained synthetic data for implicit discourse relation recognition
C Wu, X Shi, Y Chen, Y Huang, J Su
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2016
A neural generative autoencoder for bilingual word embeddings
J Su, S Wu, B Zhang, C Wu, Y Qin, D Xiong
Information Sciences 424, 287-300, 2018
Improving implicit discourse relation recognition with discourse-specific word embeddings
C Wu, X Shi, Y Chen, J Su, B Wang
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2017
Hierarchical multi-task learning with CRF for implicit discourse relation recognition
C Wu, C Hu, R Li, H Lin, J Su
Knowledge-Based Systems 195, 105637, 2020
A survey on named entity recognition based on deep learning
Y Deng, C Wu, Y Wei, Z Wan, Z Huang
Journal of Chinese Information Processing 35 (9), 30-45, 2021
Extended S-LSTM based textual entailment recognition
C Hu, C Wu, Y Yang
J. Comput. Res. Dev 57 (7), 1481-1489, 2020
Co-training for implicit discourse relation recognition based on manual and distributed features
C Wu, X Shi, J Su, Y Chen, Y Huang
Neural Processing Letters 46, 233-250, 2017
Modeling different effects of user and product attributes on review sentiment classification
C Wu, L Cao, J Chen, Y Wang, J Su
Applied Intelligence 54 (1), 835-850, 2024
Cross-lingual implicit discourse relation recognition with co-training
Y Lu, M Xu, C Wu, D Xiong, H Wang, J Su
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 19 (5), 651-661, 2018
Leveraging bilingually-constrained synthetic data via multi-task neural networks for implicit discourse relation recognition
C Wu, X Shi, Y Chen, Y Huang, J Su
Neurocomputing 243, 69-79, 2017
Boosting implicit discourse relation recognition with connective-based word embeddings
C Wu, J Su, Y Chen, X Shi
Neurocomputing 369, 39-49, 2019
Exploring implicit semantic constraints for bilingual word embeddings
J Su, Z Song, Y Lu, M Xu, C Wu, Y Chen
Neural Processing Letters 48, 1073-1088, 2018
Survey of Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition Based on Deep Learning
C Hu, Y Yang, C Wu
Computer Science 47 (4), 157-163, 2020
Adapted competitive learning on continuous semantic space for word sense induction
Y Huang, D Xiong, X Shi, Y Chen, CX Wu, G Huang
Neurocomputing 171, 1475-1485, 2016
Meta-learning based instance manipulation for implicit discourse relation recognition
J Zeng, B Xie, C Wu, Y Yin, H Zeng, J Su
Knowledge-Based Systems 267, 110457, 2023
曹柳文, 周艳艳, 邬昌兴, 黄兆华
中文信息学报 36 (7), 164-172, 2022
Incorporating Global Information for Aspect Category Sentiment Analysis
H Wang, C Wang, C Li, C Wu
Electronics 13 (24), 5020, 2024
Hybrid Graph Neural Network-Based Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification
H Zhao, C Cui, C Wu
Electronics 13 (16), 3263, 2024
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