Alexander H.-D. Cheng
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Cited by
Fundamentals of poroelasticity
E Detournay, AHD Cheng
Analysis and Design Methods: Comprehensive Rock Engineering: Principles …, 1993
Modeling groundwater flow and contaminant transport
J Bear, AHD Cheng
Springer Science & Business Media, 2010
Seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers: concepts, methods and practices
J Bear, AHD Cheng, S Sorek, D Ouazar, I Herrera
Springer Science & Business Media, 1999
Heritage and early history of the boundary element method
AHD Cheng, DT Cheng
Engineering analysis with boundary elements 29 (3), 268-302, 2005
AHD Cheng
Theory and Applications of Transport in Porous Media Berlin: Springer, 877, 2016
Poroelastic response of a borehole in a non-hydrostatic stress field
E Detournay, AHD Cheng
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics …, 1988
Material coefficients of anisotropic poroelasticity
AHD Cheng
International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences 34 (2), 199-205, 1997
Exponential convergence and H‐c multiquadric collocation method for partial differential equations
AHD Cheng, MA Golberg, EJ Kansa, G Zammito
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations: An International …, 2003
The crack tip region in hydraulic fracturing
J Desroches, E Detournay, B Lenoach, P Papanastasiou, JRA Pearson, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical and …, 1994
Mandel's problem revisited
Y Abousleiman, AHD Cheng, L Cui, E Detournay, JC Roegiers
Geotechnique 46 (2), 187-195, 1996
Poroelastic solution for an inclined borehole
L Cui, AHD Cheng, Y Abousleiman
Journal of applied mechanics 64 (1), 32-38, 1997
Pumping optimization in saltwater‐intruded coastal aquifers
AHD Cheng, D Halhal, A Naji, D Ouazar
Water Resources Research 36 (8), 2155-2165, 2000
Trefftz and collocation methods
ZC Li, TT Lu, HY Hu, AHD Cheng
WIT press, 2008
Integral equation for dynamic poroelasticity in frequency domain with BEM solution
AHD Cheng, T Badmus, DE Beskos
Journal of engineering mechanics 117 (5), 1136-1157, 1991
Error estimate, optimal shape factor, and high precision computation of multiquadric collocation method
CS Huang, CF Lee, AHD Cheng
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 31 (7), 614-623, 2007
Multiquadric and its shape parameter—a numerical investigation of error estimate, condition number, and round-off error by arbitrary precision computation
AHD Cheng
Engineering analysis with boundary elements 36 (2), 220-239, 2012
Transient wave propagation in a one-dimensional poroelastic column
M Schanz, AHD Cheng
Acta Mechanica 145 (1-4), 1-18, 2000
Materials genome for graphene-cement nanocomposites
H Alkhateb, A Al-Ostaz, AHD Cheng, X Li
Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics 3 (3), 67-77, 2013
A 3-D study of the effects of thermomechanical loads on fracture slip in enhanced geothermal reservoirs
A Ghassemi, S Tarasovs, AHD Cheng
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 44 (8), 1132-1148, 2007
Integral equation solution of heat extraction from a fracture in hot dry rock
AHD Cheng, A Ghassemi, E Detournay
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2001
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Articles 1–20