Nobuaki Mizumoto
Nobuaki Mizumoto
Other names水元 惟暁
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A genomic imprinting model of termite caste determination: not genetic but epigenetic inheritance influences offspring caste fate
K Matsuura, N Mizumoto, K Kobayashi, T Nozaki, T Fujita, T Yashiro, ...
The American Naturalist 191 (6), 677-690, 2018
Anomalous diffusion on the servosphere: A potential tool for detecting inherent organismal movement patterns
N Nagaya, N Mizumoto, MS Abe, S Dobata, R Sato, R Fujisawa
PloS one 12 (6), e0177480, 2017
Chemical identification of an aggregation pheromone in the termite Reticulitermes speratus
Y Mitaka, S Matsuyama, N Mizumoto, K Matsuura, T Akino
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 7424, 2020
Adaptive switch to sexually dimorphic movements by partner-seeking termites
N Mizumoto, S Dobata
Science advances 5 (6), eaau6108, 2019
Complex relationship between tunneling patterns and individual behaviors in termites
N Mizumoto, PM Bardunias, SC Pratt
The American Naturalist 196 (5), 555-565, 2020
Colony-specific architecture of shelter tubes by termites
N Mizumoto, K Matsuura
Insectes sociaux 60, 525-530, 2013
Optimizing mating encounters by sexually dimorphic movements
N Mizumoto, MS Abe, S Dobata
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 14 (130), 20170086, 2017
Male same-sex pairing as an adaptive strategy for future reproduction in termites
N Mizumoto, T Yashiro, K Matsuura
Animal Behaviour 119, 179-187, 2016
Termite males enhance mating encounters by changing speed according to density
N Mizumoto, A Rizo, SC Pratt, T Chouvenc
Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (11), 2542-2552, 2020
Revealing the structure of information flows discriminates similar animal social behaviors
G Valentini, N Mizumoto, SC Pratt, TP Pavlic, SI Walker
Elife 9, e55395, 2020
Modern termites inherited the potential of collective construction from their common ancestor
N Mizumoto, T Bourguignon
Ecology and Evolution 10 (13), 6775-6784, 2020
Emergence of intercolonial variation in termite shelter tube patterns and prediction of its underlying mechanism
N Mizumoto, K Kobayashi, K Matsuura
Royal Society open science 2 (11), 150360, 2015
Loss of males from mixed-sex societies in termites
T Yashiro, N Lo, K Kobayashi, T Nozaki, T Fuchikawa, N Mizumoto, ...
BMC biology 16, 1-18, 2018
Coordination of movement via complementary interactions of leaders and followers in termite mating pairs
N Mizumoto, SB Lee, G Valentini, T Chouvenc, SC Pratt
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1954), 20210998, 2021
Inferring collective behaviour from a fossilized fish shoal
N Mizumoto, S Miyata, SC Pratt
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1903), 20190891, 2019
Molecular phylogeny reveals the past transoceanic voyages of drywood termites (Isoptera, Kalotermitidae)
A Buček, M Wang, J Šobotník, S Hellemans, D Sillam-Dussčs, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 39 (5), msac093, 2022
Age-based spatial distribution of workers is resilient to worker loss in a subterranean termite
SB Lee, T Chouvenc, N Mizumoto, A Mullins, NY Su
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 7837, 2022
Behavioral rules for soil excavation by colony founders and workers in termites
N Mizumoto, GH Gile, SC Pratt
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 114 (5), 654-661, 2021
The evolution of body size in termites
N Mizumoto, T Bourguignon
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1963), 20211458, 2021
Nature of collective decision-making by simple yes/no decision units
E Hasegawa, N Mizumoto, K Kobayashi, S Dobata, J Yoshimura, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 14436, 2017
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Articles 1–20