Andrew N. Smith
Andrew N. Smith
Associate Professor of Marketing, Suffolk University
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Cited by
How does brand-related user-generated content differ across YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter?
AN Smith, E Fischer, C Yongjian
Journal of Interactive Marketing 26 (2), 102-113, 2012
Augmented reality: Designing immersive experiences that maximize consumer engagement
J Scholz, AN Smith
Business Horizons 59 (2), 149–161, 2016
Branding in the age of social media firestorms: how to create brand value by fighting back online
J Scholz, AN Smith
Journal of Marketing Management 35 (11-12), 1100-1134, 2019
What drives digital engagement with sponsored videos? An investigation of video influencers’ authenticity management strategies
L Chen, Y Yan, AN Smith
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 51, 198-221, 2023
In eWOM we trust: Using naďve theories to understand consumer trust in a complex eWOM marketspace
MA Pyle, AN Smith, Y Chevtchouk
Journal of Business Research 122, 145-158, 2021
Pay attention, please! Person brand building in organized online attention economies
AN Smith, E Fischer
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 49 (2), 258-279, 2021
Isolation in globalizing academic fields: a collaborative autoethnography of Early Career Researchers
M Belkhir, M Brouard, KH Brunk, M Dalmoro, MC Ferreira, B Figueiredo, ...
Academy of Management Learning & Education 18 (2), 261-285, 2019
Fantasy sports and beyond: Complementary digital experiences (CDXs) as innovations for enhancing fan experience
M Yuksel, AN Smith, GR Milne
Journal of Business Research 134, 143-155, 2021
“Upload Your Impact”: Can Digital Enclaves Enable Participation in Racialized Markets?
M Brouard, KH Brunk, M Campana, M Dalmoro, MC Ferreira, ...
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 42 (1), 56-73, 2023
A video is worth 1,000 words: linking consumer value for opinion seekers to visually oriented eWOM practices
AN Smith, MA Pyle
Consumer Psychology in a Social Media World, 69-90, 2015
Differences in brand-related user-generated content across three social media sites: An inductive content analysis
AN Smith, E Fischer, C Yongjian
ACR North American Advances, 2011
Student Interest in Client-Sponsored Projects: The Quest for Engagement in Marketing Research Courses
M Yuksel, AN Smith, RS Smith, P Bicen, EJ Wilson, J Weiner
Journal of Marketing Education 43 (3), 354-370, 2021
Value Creation in Brand-Related User-Generated Content on YouTube
AN Smith, E Fischer, C Yongjian
Association of Consumer Research Conference, 2011
Professional contests and the emergence of social media as an institutional field
A Smith, A Humphreys
ACR North American Advances, 2014
Monsters in Our World: Narrative Transportation in Pokémon GO's Mixed Reality
J Scholz, A Smith
Advances in Consumer Research 45, 869-871, 2017
Academic Careers in Management: How do We Get to Where the Grass Is Greener?
A Bristow, MG Gonzalez-Morales, AD Huff, M Kraimer, M Pudelko, ...
Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 15620, 2019
Monsters in Our World: Rethinking Narrative Transportation in Pokémon Go’s Mixed Reality: An Abstract
AN Smith, J Scholz
Boundary Blurred: A Seamless Customer Experience in Virtual and Real Spaces …, 2018
Sensegiving Word-of-Mouth and Collective Sensemaking About Epistemic Objects
AN Smith
Sense and Cents: Collective Consumer Sensemaking in an Online Investment Community
A Smith
Advances in Consumer Research 40, 1118, 2012
Social Media Firestorms
AN Smith, J Scholz
Elgar Encyclopedia of Consumer Behavior, 283-286, 2024
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Articles 1–20