Olivier Chabrerie
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Latitudinal gradients as natural laboratories to infer species' responses to temperature
P De Frenne, BJ Graae, F Rodríguez‐Sánchez, A Kolb, O Chabrerie, ...
Journal of Ecology 101 (3), 784-795, 2013
The Wide Potential Trophic Niche of the Asiatic Fruit Fly Drosophila suzukii: The Key of Its Invasion Success in Temperate Europe?
M Poyet, V Le Roux, P Gibert, A Meirland, G Prevost, P Eslin, O Chabrerie
PloS one 10 (11), e0142785, 2015
On the use of weather data in ecological studies along altitudinal and latitudinal gradients
BJ Graae, P De Frenne, A Kolb, J Brunet, O Chabrerie, K Verheyen, ...
Oikos 121 (1), 3-19, 2012
Temperature effects on forest herbs assessed by warming and transplant experiments along a latitudinal gradient
P De Frenne, J Brunet, A Shevtsova, A Kolb, BJ Graae, O Chabrerie, ...
Global Change Biology 17 (10), 3240-3253, 2011
When Oskar meets Alice: does a lack of trade-off in r/K-strategies make Prunus serotina a successful invader of European forests?
D Closset-Kopp, O Chabrerie, B Valentin, H Delachapelle, G Decocq
Forest Ecology and Management 247 (1-3), 120-130, 2007
Impact of organic amendments on the dynamics of soil microbial biomass and bacterial communities in cultivated land
R Calbrix, S Barray, O Chabrerie, L Fourrie, K Laval
Applied Soil Ecology 35 (3), 511-522, 2007
Ecosystem services from small forest patches in agricultural landscapes
G Decocq, E Andrieu, J Brunet, O Chabrerie, P De Frenne, P De Smedt, ...
Current Forestry Reports 2, 30-44, 2016
Relationship between plant and soil microbial communities along a successional gradient in a chalk grassland in north-western France
O Chabrerie, K Laval, P Puget, S Desaire, D Alard
Applied Soil Ecology 24 (1), 43-56, 2003
Disentangling relationships between habitat conditions, disturbance history, plant diversity, and American black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) invasion in a …
O Chabrerie, K Verheyen, R Saguez, G Decocq
Diversity and Distributions 14 (2), 204-212, 2008
Invasive host for invasive pest: when the Asiatic cherry fly (Drosophila suzukii) meets the American black cherry (Prunus serotina) in Europe
M Poyet, P Eslin, M Heraude, V Le Roux, G Prevost, P Gibert, O Chabrerie
Agricultural and forest entomology 16 (3), 251-259, 2014
Resistance of Drosophila suzukii to the larval parasitoids Leptopilina heterotoma and Asobara japonica is related to haemocyte load
M Poyet, S Havard, G Prevost, O Chabrerie, G Doury, P Gibert, P Eslin
Physiological Entomology 38 (1), 45-53, 2013
Impact of Prunus serotina invasion on understory functional diversity in a European temperate forest
O Chabrerie, J Loinard, S Perrin, R Saguez, G Decocq
Biological Invasions 12, 1891-1907, 2010
Low genetic diversity despite multiple introductions of the invasive plant species Impatiens glandulifera in Europe
J Hagenblad, J Hülskötter, KP Acharya, J Brunet, O Chabrerie, ...
BMC genetics 16, 1-16, 2015
High ecosystem service delivery potential of small woodlands in agricultural landscapes
A Valdés, J Lenoir, P De Frenne, E Andrieu, J Brunet, O Chabrerie, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (1), 4-16, 2020
Fragmentation alters beta‐diversity patterns of habitat specialists within forest metacommunities
A Jamoneau, O Chabrerie, D Closset‐Kopp, G Decocq
Ecography 35 (2), 124-133, 2012
Patterns of secondary succession in calcareous grasslands: can we distinguish the influence of former land uses from present vegetation data?
D Alard, O Chabrerie, T Dutoit, P Roche, E Langlois
Basic and applied ecology 6 (2), 161-173, 2005
Local population dynamics of an invasive tree species with a complex life-history cycle: a stochastic matrix model
E Sebert-Cuvillier, F Paccaut, O Chabrerie, P Endels, O Goubet, ...
ecological modelling 201 (2), 127-143, 2007
Significant effects of temperature on the reproductive output of the forest herb Anemone nemorosa L.
P De Frenne, BJ Graae, A Kolb, J Brunet, O Chabrerie, SAO Cousins, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 259 (4), 809-817, 2010
Drivers of plant species assemblages in forest patches among contrasted dynamic agricultural landscapes
A Jamoneau, G Sonnier, O Chabrerie, D Closset‐Kopp, R Saguez, ...
Journal of Ecology 99 (5), 1152-1161, 2011
A synthesis of biological invasion hypotheses associated with the introduction–naturalisation–invasion continuum
EZ Daly, O Chabrerie, F Massol, B Facon, MCM Hess, A Tasiemski, ...
Oikos 2023 (5), e09645, 2023
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