Kim Binsted
Kim Binsted
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Computational rules for generating punning riddles
K Binsted, G Ritchie
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 10 (1), 25-76, 1997
Machine humour: An implemented model of puns
K Binsted
The University of Edinburgh: College of Science and Engineering: The School …, 1996
An implemented model of punning riddles
K Binsted, G Ritchie
University of Edinburgh, Department of Artificial Intelligence, 1994
Computational humor
K Binsted, A Nijholt, O Stock, C Strapparava, G Ritchie, R Manurung, ...
IEEE intelligent systems 21 (2), 59-69, 2006
Children's evaluation of computer-generated punning riddles
K Binsted, H Pain, GD Ritchie
Pragmatics & Cognition 5 (2), 305-354, 1997
PhotoStudy: Vocabulary learning and collaboration on fixed & mobile devices
S Joseph, K Binsted, D Suthers
IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education …, 2005
Web browser control using EMG based sub vocal speech recognition
C Jorgensen, K Binsted
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2005
Method and apparatus for image projection, and apparatus controlling image projection
K Binsted, F Nielsen, C Pinhanez
US Patent 6,554,431, 2003
The cognitive linguistics of scalar humor
B Bergen, K Binsted
Language, culture, and mind, 79-92, 2003
Generating personalised patient information using the medical record
K Binsted, A Cawsey, R Jones
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: 5th Conference on Artificial …, 1995
Three RoboCup simulation league commentator systems
E André, K Binsted, K Tanaka-Ishii, S Luke, G Herzog, T Rist
AI Magazine 21 (1), 57-57, 2000
Using humour to make natural language interfaces more friendly
K Binsted
Proceedings of the ai, alife and entertainment workshop, intern. Joint conf …, 1995
FMARS 2007: Stress and coping in an arctic Mars simulation
SL Bishop, R Kobrick, M Battler, K Binsted
Acta Astronautica 66 (9-10), 1353-1367, 2010
Using big data to advance the science of team effectiveness
SWJ Kozlowski, GT Chao, R Fernandez
Big Data at Work, 272-309, 2015
Small-vocabulary speech recognition using surface electromyography
BJ Betts, K Binsted, C Jorgensen
Interacting with Computers 18 (6), 1242-1259, 2006
Character design for soccer commentary
K Binsted, S Luke
RoboCup-98: Robot Soccer World Cup II 2, 22-33, 1999
Life on mars from a self-determination theory perspective: how astronauts' needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness go hand in hand with crew health and mission success …
S Goemaere, T Van Caelenberg, W Beyers, K Binsted, M Vansteenkiste
Acta Astronautica 159, 273-285, 2019
Human factors research as part of a Mars exploration analogue mission on Devon Island
K Binsted, RL Kobrick, MÓ Griofa, S Bishop, J Lapierre
Planetary and Space Science 58 (7-8), 994-1006, 2010
Autonomous, computer-based behavioral health countermeasure evaluation at HI-SEAS Mars analog
AP Anderson, AM Fellows, KA Binsted, MT Hegel, JC Buckey
Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance 87 (11), 912-920, 2016
Personalised explanations for patient education
A Cawsey, K Binsted, R Jones
Default journal, 59-74, 1995
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Articles 1–20