Andreia Sofia Oliveira
Andreia Sofia Oliveira
Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon
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Tribomechanical comparison between PVA hydrogels obtained using different processing conditions and human cartilage
AS Oliveira, O Seidi, N Ribeiro, R Colaço, AP Serro
Materials 12 (20), 3413, 2019
Drug-eluting silicone hydrogel for therapeutic contact lenses: Impact of sterilization methods on the system performance
R Galante, AS Oliveira, A Topete, D Ghisleni, M Braga, TJA Pinto, ...
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 161, 537-546, 2018
Improving sustained drug delivery from ophthalmic lens materials through the control of temperature and time of loading
A Topete, AS Oliveira, A Fernandes, TG Nunes, AP Serro, B Saramago
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 117, 107-117, 2018
PVA-based hydrogels loaded with diclofenac for cartilage replacement
AC Branco, AS Oliveira, I Monteiro, P Nolasco, DC Silva, ...
Gels 8 (3), 143, 2022
Tough and Low Friction Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogels Loaded with Anti-Inflammatories for Cartilage Replacement
AS Oliveira, S Schweizer, P Nolasco, I Barahona, J Saraiva, R Colaço, ...
Lubricants 8 (3), 36, 2020
Moxifloxacin-loaded acrylic intraocular lenses: In vitro and in vivo performance
HP Filipe, D Bozukova, A Pimenta, AP Vieira, AS Oliveira, R Galante, ...
Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 45 (12), 1808-1817, 2019
Super‐Strong Hydrogel Composites Reinforced with PBO Nanofibers for Cartilage Replacement
AS Oliveira, JC Silva, MV Loureiro, AC Marques, NA Kotov, R Colaço, ...
Macromolecular Bioscience 23 (2), 2200240, 2023
Chemically crosslinked PVA hydrogels for cartilage substitution
I Patacho, AS Oliveira, P Nolasco, R Colaço, AP Serro
Annals of Medicine 53 (Suppl 1), S25, 2021
High-performance bilayer composites for the replacement of osteochondral defects
AS Oliveira, JC Silva, L Figueiredo, FC Ferreira, NA Kotov, R Colaço, ...
Biomaterials Science 10 (20), 5856-5875, 2022
Effects of sterilization on drug loaded ophthalmic lenses materials
A Oliveira
Instituto Superior Técnico, 2016
Effects of non-conventional sterilisation methods on PBO-reinforced PVA hydrogels for cartilage replacement
T Pires, AS Oliveira, AC Marques, M Salema-Oom, CG Figueiredo-Pina, ...
Gels 8 (10), 640, 2022
Physically crosslinked polyvinyl alcohol hydrogels as synthetic cartilage materials
S Schweizer, I Monteiro, AS Oliveira, P Nolasco, R Colaço, AP Serro
Annals of Medicine 53 (sup1), S33-S33, 2021
Tribomechanical Properties of PVA/Nomex® Composite Hydrogels for Articular Cartilage Repair
F Santos, C Marto-Costa, AC Branco, AS Oliveira, R Galhano dos Santos, ...
Gels 10 (8), 514, 2024
Development of polycarbonate urethane‐based materials with controlled diclofenac release for cartilage replacement
AS Oliveira, I Ferreira, AC Branco, JC Silva, C Costa, P Nolasco, ...
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 110 (8 …, 2022
Hydrogels based on poly (vinyl alcohol) for cartilage substitution
AS Oliveira, R Colaco, AP Serro
Annals of Medicine 53 (sup1), S27-S27, 2021
A aplicação do grau superlativo de adjetivos em textos narrativos: um estudo qualitativo com crianças do 5. º ano de escolaridade
ASS Oliveira
Chlorhexidine soft contact lenses: towards the development of safe and efficient devices
APS Raquel Galante, Ana Topete, Andreia S Oliveira, Daniela Dal Molim ...
Annals of Medicine, S56-S57, 2018
Effect of loading time and temperature on diclofenac release from intraocular lens
A Topete, AS Oliveira, A Fernandes, TG Nunes, AP Serro, B Saramago
ANNALS OF MEDICINE 50, S57-S58, 2018
Effect of sterilization on ketorolac loaded intraocular lenses
AS Oliveira, D Bozukova, B Saramago, AP Serro
ANNALS OF MEDICINE 50, S57-S57, 2018
Drug delivering therapeutic soft contact lenses: effect of different sterilization methods on the system performance
RSC Galante, AS Oliveira, A Topete, DDM Ghisleni, MS Braga, TJA Pinto, ...
Proceedings, 2017
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