Carolina Musso
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Cited by
Assessing lethal and sub-lethal effects of trichlorfon on different trophic levels
S Coelho, R Oliveira, S Pereira, C Musso, I Domingues, RC Bhujel, ...
Aquatic toxicology 103 (3-4), 191-198, 2011
Prochloraz effects on biomarkers activity in zebrafish early life stages and adults
I Domingues, R Oliveira, C Musso, M Cardoso, AMVM Soares, S Loureiro
Environmental toxicology 28 (3), 155-163, 2013
Simulated post-fire temperature affects germination of native and invasive grasses in cerrado (Brazilian savanna)
C Musso, HS Miranda, SS Aires, AC Bastos, AMVM Soares, S Loureiro
Plant Ecology & Diversity 8 (2), 219-227, 2015
From sub cellular to community level: toxicity of glutaraldehyde to several aquatic organisms
SPP Pereira, R Oliveira, S Coelho, C Musso, AMVM Soares, I Domingues, ...
Science of the total Environment 470, 147-158, 2014
Synergistic impacts of co‐occurring invasive grasses cause persistent effects in the soil‐plant system after selective removal
RD Zenni, WL da Cunha, C Musso, JV de Souza, GB Nardoto, ...
Functional Ecology 34 (5), 1102-1112, 2020
Seed longevity and seedling emergence rate of Urochloa decumbens as influenced by sowing depth in a Cerrado soil
AB Dantas‐Junior, C Musso, HS Miranda
Grass and Forage Science 73 (3), 811-814, 2018
Biological activity in Cerrado soils: evaluation of vegetation, fire and seasonality effects using the “bait-lamina test”
C Musso, HS Miranda, AMVM Soares, S Loureiro
Plant and soil 383, 49-58, 2014
Protected from fire, but not from harm: seedling emergence of savanna grasses is constrained by burial depth
HGV Fontenele, RNA Figueirôa, CM Pereira, VT Nascimento, C Musso, ...
Plant Ecology & Diversity 13 (2), 189-198, 2020
Effects of water and nutrient availability on morphological, physiological, and biochemical traits of one invasive and one native grass of a Neotropical savanna
C Musso, HGV Fontenele, G Pinto, R Oliveira, C Correia, ...
Environmental and experimental botany 182, 104305, 2021
Fire‐induced damage to Qualea multiflora Mart. seeds depends on fruit protection and the position in the tree crown
MN Sato, C Musso, HS Miranda
Plant Biology 20 (6), 1036-1041, 2018
Andropogon gayanus Kunth invasion in the Cerrado: from seed production to seedling establishment along roadsides
C Musso, MA de Macedo, N Nunes Almeida, D de Melo Rodrigues, ...
Biological Invasions 21, 1683-1695, 2019
Germination responses of native and invasive Cerrado grasses to simulated fire temperatures
MVF Paredes, ALN Cunha, C Musso, SS Aires, MN Sato, HS Miranda
Plant Ecology & Diversity 11 (2), 193-203, 2018
Manejo com fogo em áreas invadidas com capim-gordura visando o aumento da diversidade de gramíneas nativas
AC Palermo, C Musso, GBO Borges, FS Aires, SMA Andrade, CR Martins, ...
Biotropica 31, 71-82, 2007
Constraints on tree seedling establishment after fires: passing the germination bottlenecks
MA Macedo, SB Pinhate, EC Bowen, C Musso, HS Miranda
Plant Biology 24 (1), 176-184, 2022
South American and African Grass Species Cope Differently With Soil Water Availability
C Musso, G Pinto, HS Miranda, R Oliveira, C Correia, J Moutinho-Pereira, ...
Journal of Agricultural Science 11 (13), 2019
Prescribed fire to control Melinis minutiflora in Cerrado (Brazilian Savanna) and increase the richness of native species
TGB Barros, FS Aires, AC Palermo, C Musso, MN Sato, SMA Andrade, ...
3rd International Fire Ecology & Management Congress, 2006
South American and African Grass Species Cope Differently With Soil Water Availability
C Musso, G Pinto, HS Miranda, R Oliveira, C Correia, J Moutinho-Pereira, ...
Journal of Agricultural Science 11 (13), 1-64, 2024
Recalibration of Gaussian Neural Network regression models: the recalibratiNN package
C Musso
From germination to seedling development: the effects of smoke on a native and an invasive grass species of the Cerrado
LGF Sanchez, AB Dantas-Junior, ACCQ Porto, C Musso, MN Sato, ...
Seed Science Research 32 (2), 78-85, 2022
Recovery of the fine fuel of the herbaceous layer of a Cerrado Ralo after a fire at the onset of the rainy season
ABD Junior, DF Rosa, HC Silva, C Musso, LGF Sanchez, ...
Biodiversidade Brasileira 9 (1), 75-75, 2019
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Articles 1–20