Takács Péter
Takács Péter
senior researcher, Balaton Limnological Research Institute
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Does isolation influence the relative role of environmental and dispersal‐related processes in stream networks? An empirical test of the network position hypothesis using …
D Schmera, D Árva, P Boda, E Bódis, Á Bolgovics, G Borics, A Csercsa, ...
Freshwater Biology 63 (1), 74-85, 2018
Temporal variability in the spatial and environmental determinants of functional metacommunity organization–stream fish in a human‐modified landscape
T Erős, P Sály, P Takács, A Specziár, P Bíró
Freshwater Biology 57 (9), 1914-1928, 2012
The relative influence of spatial context and catchment‐and site‐scale environmental factors on stream fish assemblages in a human‐modified landscape
P Sály, P Takács, I Kiss, P Bíró, T Erős
Ecology of freshwater fish 20 (2), 251-262, 2011
Quantifying temporal variability in the metacommunity structure of stream fishes: the influence of non-native species and environmental drivers
T Erős, P Sály, P Takács, CL Higgins, P Bíró, D Schmera
Hydrobiologia 722, 31-43, 2014
HPLC‐MS/MS analysis of steroid hormones in environmental water samples
P Avar, G Maász, P Takács, S Lovas, Z Zrínyi, R Svigruha, A Takátsy, ...
Drug Testing and Analysis 8 (1), 123-127, 2016
Effect of landscape context on fish metacommunity structuring in stream networks
T Erős, P Takács, A Specziár, D Schmera, P Sály
Freshwater Biology 62 (2), 215-228, 2017
Repeatability, reproducibility, separative power and subjectivity of different fish morphometric analysis methods
P Takács, Z Vitál, Á Ferincz, Á Staszny
PLoS One 11 (6), e0157890, 2016
Assemblage level monitoring of stream fishes: the relative efficiency of single-pass vs. double-pass electrofishing
P Sály, T Erős, P Takács, A Specziár, I Kiss, P Bíró
Fisheries Research 99 (3), 226-233, 2009
Influence of submerged macrophytes, temperature, and nutrient loading on the development of redox potential around the sediment–water interface in lakes
G Boros, M Sřndergaard, P Takács, Á Vári, I Tátrai
Hydrobiologia 665, 117-127, 2011
Spatiotemporal variations of pharmacologically active compounds in surface waters of a summer holiday destination
G Maasz, M Mayer, Z Zrinyi, E Molnar, M Kuzma, I Fodor, Z Pirger, ...
Science of the Total Environment 677, 545-555, 2019
Non-native fish species in Hungarian waters: historical overview, potential sources and recent trends in their distribution
P Takács, I Czeglédi, Á Ferincz, P Sály, A Specziár, Z Vitál, A Weiperth, ...
Hydrobiologia, 1-22, 2017
The scales of variability of stream fish assemblages at tributary confluences
I Czeglédi, P Sály, P Takács, A Dolezsai, SA Nagy, T Erős
Aquatic Sciences 78, 641-654, 2016
Risk assessment of non-native fishes in the catchment of the largest Central-European shallow lake (Lake Balaton, Hungary)
Á Ferincz, Á Staszny, A Weiperth, P Takács, B Urbanyi, L Vilizzi, ...
Hydrobiologia 780, 85-97, 2016
Phylogeography and population genetics of the European mudminnow (Umbra krameri) with a time-calibrated phylogeny for the family Umbridae
S Marić, D Stanković, J Wanzenböck, R Šanda, T Erős, P Takács, ...
Hydrobiologia 792, 151-168, 2017
Morphometric differentiation of gudgeon species inhabiting the Carpathian Basin
P Takacs
Annales de Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology 48 (1), 53-61, 2012
Population Genetic Patterns of Threatened European Mudminnow (Umbra krameri Walbaum, 1792) in a Fragmented Landscape: Implications for Conservation …
P Takács, T Erős, A Specziár, P Sály, Z Vitál, Á Ferincz, T Molnár, ...
PLoS One 10 (9), e0138640, 2015
Az amurgéb (Perccottus glenii Dybowski, 1877) megjelenése a Balaton vízgyűjtőjén
T Erős, P Takács, P Sály, A Specziár, ÁI György, P Bíró
Halászat 101 (2), 75-77, 2008
The fate of phosphorus in decomposing fish carcasses: a mesocosm experiment
G Boros, P Takács, MJ Vanni
Freshwater Biology 60 (3), 479-489, 2015
Restricted by borders: trade-offs in transboundary conservation planning for large river systems
A Dolezsai, P Sály, P Takács, V Hermoso, T Erős
Biodiversity and Conservation 24, 1403-1421, 2015
Taxonomic-and trait-based recolonization dynamics of a riverine fish assemblage following a large-scale human-mediated disturbance: the red mud disaster in Hungary
T Erős, P Takács, I Czeglédi, P Sály, A Specziár
Hydrobiologia 758, 31-45, 2015
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