Tom Claeys
Tom Claeys
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Multi-critical unitary random matrix ensembles and the general Painlevé II equation
T Claeys, ABJ Kuijlaars, M Vanlessen
Annals of Mathematics, 601-641, 2008
Universality of the double scaling limit in random matrix models
T Claeys, ABJ Kuijlaars
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Journal Issued by the …, 2006
Higher‐order analogues of the Tracy‐Widom distribution and the Painlevé II hierarchy
T Claeys, I Krasovsky, A Its
Communications on pure and applied mathematics 63 (3), 362-412, 2010
Universality of the break-up profile for the KdV equation in the small dispersion limit using the Riemann-Hilbert approach
T Claeys, T Grava
Communications in mathematical physics 286 (3), 979-1009, 2009
Toeplitz determinants with merging singularities
T Claeys, I Krasovsky
Universality of a double scaling limit near singular edge points in random matrix models
T Claeys, M Vanlessen
Communications in mathematical physics 273 (2), 499-532, 2007
How much can the eigenvalues of a random Hermitian matrix fluctuate?
T Claeys, B Fahs, G Lambert, C Webb
Duke Mathematical Journal 170 (9), 2085-2235, 2021
The existence of a real pole-free solution of the fourth order analogue of the Painlevé I equation
T Claeys, M Vanlessen
Nonlinearity 20 (5), 1163, 2007
Emergence of a singularity for Toeplitz determinants and Painlevé V
T Claeys, A Its, I Krasovsky
Biorthogonal ensembles with two-particle interactions
T Claeys, S Romano
arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.2892, 2013
Painlevé II asymptotics near the leading edge of the oscillatory zone for the Korteweg—de Vries equation in the small‐dispersion limit
T Claeys, T Grava
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Journal Issued by the …, 2010
Hankel determinant and orthogonal polynomials for a Gaussian weight with a discontinuity at the edge
A Bogatskiy, T Claeys, A Its
Communications in Mathematical Physics 347, 127-162, 2016
Solitonic asymptotics for the Korteweg-de Vries equation in the small dispersion limit
T Claeys, T Grava
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 42 (5), 2132-2154, 2010
A Riemann‐Hilbert Approach to the Lower Tail of the Kardar‐Parisi‐Zhang Equation
M Cafasso, T Claeys
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 75 (3), 493-540, 2022
Universality in unitary random matrix ensembles when the soft edge meets the hard edge
T Claeys, ABJ Kuijlaars
Contemporary Mathematics 458, 265-280, 2008
Thinning and conditioning of the circular unitary ensemble
C Charlier, T Claeys
Random Matrices: Theory and Applications 6 (02), 1750007, 2017
Birth of a cut in unitary random matrix ensembles
T Claeys
International mathematics research notices 2008 (9), rnm166-rnm166, 2008
The generating function for the Airy point process and a system of coupled Painlevé II equations
T Claeys, A Doeraene
Studies in Applied Mathematics 140 (4), 403-437, 2018
Random matrices with equispaced external source
T Claeys, D Wang
Communications in Mathematical Physics 328, 1023-1077, 2014
Large gap asymptotics for Airy kernel determinants with discontinuities
C Charlier, T Claeys
Communications in Mathematical Physics 375 (2), 1299-1339, 2020
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Articles 1–20