Bastian Ilsř Hougaard
Bastian Ilsř Hougaard
Aalborg University
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Cited by
Spatial Neglect Midline Diagnostics From Virtual Reality and Eye Tracking in a Free-Viewing Environment
BI Hougaard, H Knoche, J Jensen, L Evald
Frontiers in Neuroscience 12, 1-13, 2021
" Mine works better"-Examining the influence of embodiment in virtual reality on the sense of agency during a binary motor imagery task with a brain-computer interface
H Ziadeh, D Gulyas, LD Nielsen, S Lehmann, TB Nielsen, TKK Kjeldsen, ...
Frontiers in Psychology, 6174, 0
Who Willed It? Decreasing Frustration by Manipulating Perceived Control through Fabricated Input for Stroke Rehabilitation BCI Games
BI Hougaard, IG Rossau, JJ Czapla, MA Miko, RB Skammelsen, ...
CHI Play'21, 2021
Telling the Story Right: How Therapists Aid Stroke Patients Interpret Personal Visualized Game Performance Data
BI Hougaard, H Knoche
Proceedings of the 13th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing …, 2019
Implementing Performance Accommodation Mechanisms in Online BCI for Stroke Rehabilitation: A Study on Perceived Control and Frustration
M Jochumsen, BI Hougaard, MS Kristensen, H Knoche
Sensors 22 (23), 9051, 2022
Am I Coughing More Than Usual?: Patient Reflections and User Needs on Tracking COPD Data in a Telehealth System
SG Nadarajah, PW Pedersen, BI Hougaard, H Knoche
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Multimedia for Personal …, 2019
Modulating Frustration and Agency Using Fabricated Input for Motor Imagery BCIs in Stroke Rehabilitation
BI Hougaard, H Knoche, MS Kristensen, M Jochumsen
IEEE Access 10, 72312-72327, 2022
How can we help? Towards a design framework for performance-accommodation mechanisms for users struggling with input
I Goll Rossau, RB Skammelsen, JJ Czapla, BI Hougaard, H Knoche, ...
Extended Abstracts of the 2021 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human …, 2021
Stars, crests and medals: visual badge design framework to gamify and certify online learning
BI Hougaard, H Knoche
Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation, 406-414, 2019
Effect of Continuous and Discrete Feedback on Agency and Frustration in a Brain-Computer Interface Virtual Reality Interaction
TKK Kjeldsen, TB Nielsen, H Ziadeh, S Lehmann, LD Nielsen, D Gulyás, ...
2021 IEEE 21st International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering …, 2021
How annotated visualizations in self-care technology supported a stroke survivor in goal setting and reflection
BI Hougaard, H Knoche
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Serious Games 17 (12), 2017
Course Certification And Open Badges For Digital Culture Education
D Andone, A Ternaucic, V Mihaescu, H Knoche, BI Hougaard, IG Rossau, ...
13th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning …, 2021
Virtual Motor Spaces: Exploring how to amplify movements in VR stroke rehabilitation to aid patients with upper limb hemiparesis
BI Hougaard, MM Skovfoged, L Evald, I Brunner, H Knoche
RehabWeek 2022, 1-2, 2022
Virtual Reality Assessment and Treatment of Spatial Neglect (VR@ SN)
L Evald, BI Hougaard, I Brunner, H Knoche
Whack-A-Mole VR: Demonstration of Accessible Virtual Reality Game Design for Stroke Rehabilitation
BI Hougaard, H Knoche, IC Brunner, L Evald
Adjunct Proceedings of the 2022 Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference …, 2022
Virtual Mirror Therapy in a VR pointing task for stroke rehabilitation
BI Hougaard, L Evald, I Brunner, H Knoche
European Stroke Journal, 546-588, 2022
Virtual Reality Baking Tray Test for the Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Spatial Neglect
L Evald, BI Hougaard, H Knoche
World Congress of Neurorehabilitation WCNR'22, 2022
How continuous feedback improves agency in a BCI motor imagery task
H Ziadeh, S Lehmann, D Gulyás, LD Nielsen, TKK Kjeldsen, TB Nielsen, ...
Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and …, 2021
Pandemic as Game Mechanic: Simulation of Infection Spread for the Classroom.
BI Hougaard, H Knoche, M Grünfeld
2021 International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 231-233, 2021
" I only want to play if I get better"-Designing Visualized Game Performance For Stroke Patient Trust & Motivation
B Hougaard
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Articles 1–20