Sofie Leon
Sofie Leon
Geverifieerd e-mailadres voor caltech.edu
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Investigation of low temperature cracking in asphalt pavements national pooled fund study–phase II
M Marasteanu, W Buttlar, H Bahia, C Williams, KH Moon, EZ Teshale, ...
Minnesota Department of Transportation, 2012
A unified library of nonlinear solution schemes
SE Leon, GH Paulino, A Pereira, IFM Menezes, EN Lages
Reduction in mesh bias for dynamic fracture using adaptive splitting of polygonal finite elements
SE Leon, DW Spring, GH Paulino
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 100 (8), 555-576, 2014
On the effect of constraint parameters on the generalized displacement control method
SE Leon, EN Lages, CN De Araújo, GH Paulino
Mechanics Research Communications 56, 123-129, 2014
IlliTC–low-temperature cracking model for asphalt pavements
EV Dave, WG Buttlar, SE Leon, B Behnia, GH Paulino
Road Materials and Pavement Design 14 (sup2), 57-78, 2013
Unstructured polygonal meshes with adaptive refinement for the numerical simulation of dynamic cohesive fracture
DW Spring, SE Leon, GH Paulino
International Journal of Fracture 189, 33-57, 2014
Thermal cracking prediction model and software for asphalt pavements
EV Dave, S Leon, K Park
Transportation and Development Institute Congress 2011: Integrated …, 2011
Massively parallel adaptive mesh refinement and coarsening for dynamic fracture simulations
A Alhadeff, SE Leon, W Celes, GH Paulino
Engineering with Computers 32, 533-552, 2016
Thermal Cracking Performance Prediction and Asset Management Integration
WG Buttlar, GH Paulino, E Dave, S Leon
NEXTRANS Center (US), 2011
Investigation of Low Temperature Cracking in Asphalt Pavements, National Pooled Fund Study—Phase II; Report No MN/RC 2012-23
M Marasteanu, W Buttlar, H Bahia, C Williams
University of Minnesota: Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2012
Investigation of Low Temperature Cracking in Asphalt Pavements National Pooled Fund Study–Phase II
WG Buttlar, S Leon, B Behnia, M Marasteanu, KH Moon, M Turos, ...
Geometrically and Topologically Unstructured Polygons for Dynamic Cohesive Fracture
DW Spring, SE Leon, GH Paulino
A Unified Library of Nonlinear
SE Leon, GH Paulino
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Artikelen 1–13