Cinara Ghedini
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Cited by
Rethinking failure and attack tolerance assessment in complex networks
CG Ghedini, CHC Ribeiro
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 390 (23-24), 4684-4691, 2011
Robust area coverage with connectivity maintenance
L Siligardi, J Panerati, M Kaufmann, M Minelli, C Ghedini, G Beltrame, ...
2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2202-2208, 2019
Robust connectivity maintenance for fallible robots
J Panerati, M Minelli, C Ghedini, L Meyer, M Kaufmann, L Sabattini, ...
Autonomous Robots 43, 769-787, 2019
A documentation infrastructure for the management of data mining projects
K Becker, C Ghedini
Information and Software Technology 47 (2), 95-111, 2005
Improving robustness in multi-robot networks
C Ghedini, C Secchi, CHC Ribeiro, L Sabattini
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (19), 63-68, 2015
Using KDD to analyze the impact of curriculum revisions in a Brazilian university
K Becker, CG Ghedini, EL Terra
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Theory, Tools, and Technology II 4057 …, 2000
Toward fault‐tolerant multi‐robot networks
C Ghedini, C Ribeiro, L Sabattini
Networks 70 (4), 388-400, 2017
A decentralized control strategy for resilient connectivity maintenance in multi-robot systems subject to failures
C Ghedini, CHC Ribeiro, L Sabattini
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems: The 13th International Symposium, 89-102, 2018
Toward efficient adaptive ad-hoc multi-robot network topologies
C Ghedini, CHC Ribeiro, L Sabattini
Ad Hoc Networks 74, 57-70, 2018
Self-optimization of resilient topologies for fallible multi-robots
M Minelli, J Panerati, M Kaufmann, C Ghedini, G Beltrame, L Sabattini
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 124, 103384, 2020
A framework for vulnerability management in complex networks
CG Ghedini, CHC Ribeiro
2009 International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications & Workshops …, 2009
Stop, think, and roll: Online gain optimization for resilient multi-robot topologies
M Minelli, M Kaufmann, J Panerati, C Ghedini, G Beltrame, L Sabattini
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems: The 14th International Symposium …, 2019
Improving the fault tolerance of multi-robot networks through a combined control law strategy
C Ghedini, CHC Ribeiro, L Sabattini
2016 8th international workshop on resilient networks design and modeling …, 2016
SUN-Stealth UAV Networks: A cooperative local model to mitigate UAVs exposure to threats
NP Borges, CG Ghedini, CHC Ribeiro
2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2019
A local communication model for improving stealth in collaborative UAV networks.
NP Borges, CG Ghedini, CHC Ribeiro
Anais do Computer on the Beach 8, 249-258, 2017
A modified edit-distance algorithm for record linkage in a database of companies
BW Paleo, CGG Hita, JC Lima, CH Ribeiro, J Jambeiro Filho
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop em Algoritmos e Aplicaçoes de Mineraçao de …, 2006
Improving resilience of complex networks facing attacks and failures through adaptive mechanisms
CG Ghedini, CHC Ribeiro
Advances in Complex Systems 17 (02), 1450009, 2014
A documentation model for KDD application management support
C Ghedini, K Becker
SCCC 2001. 21st International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science …, 2001
A system to Support the Physiotherapeutic Treatment of Chronic Pain in the Spine
LBR dos Santos, M dos Santos Silvério, C de Castro Mario, CG Ghedini, ...
2021 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI …, 2021
Mitigating Risk in UAV Aid Delivery Missions: A Safe Path Prioritization Approach
NP Borges, CG Ghedini, CHC Ribeiro
IEEE Access, 2024
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Articles 1–20