Steven Jeuris
Steven Jeuris
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Mobile and wearable sensing frameworks for mHealth studies and applications: A systematic review
D Kumar, S Jeuris, JE Bardram, N Dragoni
ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare 2 (1), 1-28, 2020
Laevo: a temporal desktop interface for integrated knowledge work
S Jeuris, S Houben, J Bardram
Proceedings of the 27th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and …, 2014
Dedicated workspaces: Faster resumption times and reduced cognitive load in sequential multitasking
S Jeuris, JE Bardram
Computers in Human Behavior 62, 404-414, 2016
Activity-Centric Computing Systems
JE Bardram, S Jeuris, P Tell, S Houben, S Voida
Communications of the ACM, 2019
Activity-based computing: computational management of activities reflecting human intention
JE Bardram, S Jeuris, S Houben
Ai Magazine 36 (2), 63-72, 2015
Developing tolerance to eye contact in autism: A feasibility study with adults using behavioral, interview, and psychophysiological data
L Andréen, M Galazka, N Hadjikhani, S Jeuris, P Masulli, JÅ Johnels
Psychology of Language and Communication 25 (1), 240-263, 2021
The hidden cost of window management
S Jeuris, P Tell, S Houben, JE Bardram
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.04673, 2018
Socratrees: Exploring the Design of Argument Technology for Layman Users
S Jeuris
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.04478, 2018
co-Laevo: Supporting Cooperating Teams by Working ‘within’ Shared Activity Time Lines
S Jeuris, P Tell, JE Bardram
Technical Report, IT University of Copenhagen, 2016
The magazine archive includes every article published in Communications of the ACM for over the past 50 years.
MK Reiter, AD Rubin
Communications of the ACM 42 (2), 32-48, 1999
Biometric Healthcare Research Platform: preliminary results using wearable sensors for multi-modal monitoring in epilepsy
IC Zibrandtsen, P Masulli, ST Jeuris, T Andersen, TW Kjaer
Second International Congress on Mobile Health Devices and Seizure Detection …, 2019
Task and Interruption Management in Activity-Centric Computing
S Jeuris
PhD Thesis, IT University of Copenhagen, 2017
Temporal Model for Reflective Multitasking
S Jeuris, S Houben
CHI EA '13 CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2013
Managing Activities in Time and Space in an Activity-Based Computing System
ST Jeuris
MSc thesis, University of Utrecht, 2012
Activity-Centric Computing Systems The ability to build a construct that organizes work from different devices and information resources is as complex as it is invaluable.
JE Bardram, S Jeuris, P Tell, S Houben, S Voida
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Articles 1–15