Maria Moreno Cardoner
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Cited by
Exponential improvement in photon storage fidelities using subradiance and “selective radiance” in atomic arrays
A Asenjo-Garcia, M Moreno-Cardoner, A Albrecht, HJ Kimble, DE Chang
Physical Review X 7 (3), 031024, 2017
Counting atoms using interaction blockade in an optical superlattice
P Cheinet, S Trotzky, M Feld, U Schnorrberger, M Moreno-Cardoner, ...
Physical Review Letters 101 (9), 090404, 2008
Anomalous expansion of attractively interacting fermionic atoms in an optical lattice
L Hackermüller, U Schneider, M Moreno-Cardoner, T Kitagawa, T Best, ...
Science 327 (5973), 1621-1624, 2010
Optimization of photon storage fidelity in ordered atomic arrays
MT Manzoni, M Moreno-Cardoner, A Asenjo-Garcia, JV Porto, ...
New journal of physics 20 (8), 083048, 2018
Thermometry precision in strongly correlated ultracold lattice gases
M Mehboudi, M Moreno-Cardoner, G De Chiara, A Sanpera
New Journal of Physics 17 (5), 055020, 2015
Quantum nonlinear optics based on two-dimensional Rydberg atom arrays
M Moreno-Cardoner, D Goncalves, DE Chang
Physical Review Letters 127 (26), 263602, 2021
Time crystallinity in open quantum systems
A Riera-Campeny, M Moreno-Cardoner, A Sanpera
Quantum 4, 270, 2020
Subradiance-enhanced excitation transfer between dipole-coupled nanorings of quantum emitters
M Moreno-Cardoner, D Plankensteiner, L Ostermann, DE Chang, ...
Physical Review A 100 (2), 023806, 2019
Nanoscale continuous quantum light sources based on driven dipole emitter arrays
R Holzinger, M Moreno-Cardoner, H Ritsch
Applied Physics Letters 119 (2), 2021
Predicting spinor condensate dynamics from simple principles
M Moreno-Cardoner, J Mur-Petit, M Guilleumas, A Polls, A Sanpera, ...
Physical review letters 99 (2), 020404, 2007
Efficient nano-photonic antennas based on dark states in quantum emitter rings
M Moreno-Cardoner, R Holzinger, H Ritsch
Optics Express 30 (7), 10779-10791, 2022
Case study of the uniaxial anisotropic spin-1 bilinear-biquadratic Heisenberg model on a triangular lattice
M Moreno-Cardoner, H Perrin, S Paganelli, G De Chiara, A Sanpera
Physical Review B 90 (14), 144409, 2014
Non-Gaussian distribution of collective operators in quantum spin chains
M Moreno-Cardoner, JF Sherson, G De Chiara
New Journal of Physics 18 (10), 103015, 2016
Nonclassicality and criticality in symmetry-protected magnetic phases
MJM Power, S Campbell, M Moreno-Cardoner, G De Chiara
Physical Review B 91 (21), 214411, 2015
Polarization control of radiation and energy flow in dipole-coupled nanorings
J Cremer, D Plankensteiner, M Moreno-Cardoner, L Ostermann, H Ritsch
New Journal of Physics 22 (8), 083052, 2020
Optical properties of concentric nanorings of quantum emitters
V Scheil, R Holzinger, M Moreno-Cardoner, H Ritsch
Nanomaterials 13 (5), 851, 2023
Using random boundary conditions to simulate disordered quantum spin models in two-dimensional systems
A Yuste, M Moreno-Cardoner, A Sanpera
Physical Review B 95 (19), 195167, 2017
Entanglement properties of spin models in triangular lattices
M Moreno-Cardoner, S Paganelli, G De Chiara, A Sanpera
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2014 (10), P10008, 2014
Manipulating matter waves in an optical superlattice
B Reid, M Moreno-Cardoner, J Sherson, G De Chiara
Physical Review A 94 (6), 063629, 2016
Extraordinary subradiance with lossless excitation transfer in dipole-coupled nano-rings of quantum emitters
M Moreno-Cardoner, D Plankensteiner, L Ostermann, DE Chang, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.10598, 2019
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Articles 1–20