François Kervyn
Cited by
Cited by
Strain accommodation by slow slip and dyking in a youthful continental rift, East Africa
E Calais, N d’Oreye, J Albaric, A Deschamps, D Delvaux, J Déverchere, ...
Nature 456 (7223), 783-787, 2008
Geodynamic significance of the TRM segment in the East African Rift (W-Tanzania): Active tectonics and paleostress in the Ufipa plateau and Rukwa basin
D Delvaux, F Kervyn, AS Macheyeki, EB Temu
Journal of Structural Geology 37, 161-180, 2012
Magma sources involved in the 2002 Nyiragongo eruption, as inferred from an InSAR analysis
C Wauthier, V Cayol, F Kervyn, N d'Oreye
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117 (B5), 2012
Satellite interferometry for mapping surface deformation time series in one, two and three dimensions: A new method illustrated on a slow-moving landslide
S Samsonov, A Dille, O Dewitte, F Kervyn, N d'Oreye
Engineering Geology 266, 105471, 2020
High‐resolution TanDEM‐X DEM: An accurate method to estimate lava flow volumes at Nyamulagira Volcano (DR Congo)
F Albino, B Smets, N d'Oreye, F Kervyn
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (6), 4189-4207, 2015
Late Quaternary tectonic activity and lake level change in the Rukwa Rift Basin
D Delvaux, F Kervyn, E Vittori, RSA Kajara, E Kilembe
Journal of African Earth Sciences 26 (3), 397-421, 1998
Seismic hazard assessment of the Kivu rift segment based on a new seismotectonic zonation model (western branch, East African Rift system)
D Delvaux, JL Mulumba, MNS Sebagenzi, SF Bondo, F Kervyn, ...
Journal of African Earth Sciences 134, 831-855, 2017
Modelling topography with SAR interferometry: illustrations of a favourable and less favourable environment
F Kervyn
Computers & geosciences 27 (9), 1039-1050, 2001
Landslide inventory for hazard assessment in a data-poor context: a regional-scale approach in a tropical African environment
E Monsieurs, L Jacobs, C Michellier, J Basimike Tchangaboba, GB Ganza, ...
Landslides 15, 2195-2209, 2018
Dry gas vents (“mazuku”) in Goma region (North-Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo): Formation and risk assessment
B Smets, D Tedesco, F Kervyn, A Kies, O Vaselli, MM Yalire
Journal of African Earth Sciences 58 (5), 787-798, 2010
Source parameters of the 2008 Bukavu-Cyangugu earthquake estimated from InSAR and teleseismic data
N d’Oreye, PJ González, A Shuler, A Oth, L Bagalwa, G Ekström, ...
Geophysical Journal International 184 (2), 934-948, 2011
Acceleration of a large deep-seated tropical landslide due to urbanization feedbacks
A Dille, O Dewitte, AL Handwerger, N d’Oreye, D Derauw, ...
Nature Geoscience 15 (12), 1048-1055, 2022
Historical dynamics of landslide risk from population and forest-cover changes in the Kivu Rift
A Depicker, L Jacobs, N Mboga, B Smets, A Van Rompaey, M Lennert, ...
Nature sustainability 4 (11), 965-974, 2021
Multi-temporal DInSAR to characterise landslide ground deformations in a tropical urban environment: Focus on Bukavu (DR Congo)
A Nobile, A Dille, E Monsieurs, J Basimike, TM Bibentyo, N d’Oreye, ...
Remote sensing 10 (4), 626, 2018
Detailed multidisciplinary monitoring reveals pre-and co-eruptive signals at Nyamulagira volcano (North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo)
B Smets, N d’Oreye, F Kervyn, M Kervyn, F Albino, SR Arellano, ...
Bulletin of Volcanology 76, 1-35, 2014
The role of inherited crustal structures and magmatism in the development of rift segments: Insights from the Kivu basin, western branch of the East African Rift
B Smets, D Delvaux, KA Ross, S Poppe, M Kervyn, N d'Oreye, F Kervyn
Tectonophysics 683, 62-76, 2016
Voluminous lava flows at Oldoinyo Lengai in 2006: chronology of events and insights into the shallow magmatic system
M Kervyn, GGJ Ernst, J Klaudius, J Keller, F Kervyn, HB Mattsson, ...
Bulletin of Volcanology 70, 1069-1086, 2008
Evaluating TMPA rainfall over the sparsely gauged East African Rift
E Monsieurs, DB Kirschbaum, J Tan, JCM Mateso, L Jacobs, PD Plisnier, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 19 (9), 1507-1528, 2018
Mapping volcanic terrain using high-resolution and 3D satellite remote sensing
M Kervyn, F Kervyn, R Goossens, SK Rowland, GGJ Ernst
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 283 (1), 5-30, 2007
Nyamulagira’s magma plumbing system inferred from 15 years of InSAR
C Wauthier, V Cayol, M Poland, F Kervyn, N d’Oreye, A Hooper, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 380 (1), 39-65, 2013
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Articles 1–20