Noori BniLam | PhD | PhD
Cited by
Cited by
LoRa 2.4 GHz communication link and range
T Janssen, N BniLam, M Aernouts, R Berkvens, M Weyn
Sensors 20 (16), 4366, 2020
LoRay: AoA estimation system for long range communication networks
N BniLam, D Joosens, M Aernouts, J Steckel, M Weyn
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 20 (3), 2005-2018, 2020
TDAoA: A combination of TDoA and AoA localization with LoRaWAN
M Aernouts, N BniLam, R Berkvens, M Weyn
Internet of Things 11, 100236, 2020
Adaptive probabilistic model using angle of arrival estimation for IoT indoor localization
N BniLam, G Ergeerts, D Subotic, J Steckel, M Weyn
IPIN2017, 2017
Low cost AoA unit for IoT applications
N BniLam, D Joosens, J Steckel, M Weyn
2019 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 1-5, 2019
Synchronization of multiple independent subarray antennas: An application for angle of arrival estimation
N BniLam, J Steckel, M Weyn
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 67 (2), 1223-1232, 2018
Combining TDoA and AoA with a particle filter in an outdoor LoRaWAN network
M Aernouts, N BniLam, N Podevijn, D Plets, W Joseph, R Berkvens, ...
2020 IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS), 1060-1069, 2020
ANGLE: ANGular location estimation algorithms
N Bnilam, E Tanghe, J Steckel, W Joseph, M Weyn
IEEE access 8, 14620-14629, 2020
Low-cost hardware platform for angle of arrival estimation using compressive sensing
J Steckel, D Laurijssen, A Schenck, N BniLam, M Weyn
12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018), 1-4, 2018
A spectral element model for nonhomogeneous heat flow in shallow geothermal systems
N BniLam, R Al-Khoury
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 104, 703-717, 2017
Transient heat conduction in an infinite medium subjected to multiple cylindrical heat sources: An application to shallow geothermal systems
N BniLam, R Al-Khoury
Renewable Energy 97, 145-154, 2016
Vehicle localization using doppler shift and time of arrival measurements in a tunnel environment
R Halili, N BniLam, M Yusuf, E Tanghe, W Joseph, M Weyn, R Berkvens
Sensors 22 (3), 847, 2022
Simulating a combination of TDoA and AoA localization for LoRaWAN
M Aernouts, N BniLam, R Berkvens, M Weyn
Advances on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing: Proceedings …, 2020
A spectral model for a moving cylindrical heat source in a conductive-convective domain
R Al-Khoury, N BniLam, MM Arzanfudi, S Saeid
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 163, 120517, 2020
LEO-Based Coarse Positioning Through Angle-of-Arrival Estimation of Signals of Opportunity
A Florio, N BniLam, C Talarico, P Crosta, G Avitabile, G Coviello
IEEE Access, 2024
Analytical model for arbitrarily configured neighboring shallow geothermal installations in the presence of groundwater flow
R Al-Khoury, N BniLam, MM Arzanfudi, S Saeid
Geothermics 93, 102063, 2021
AoA-Based Localization System Using a Single IoT Gateway: An Application for Smart Pedestrian Crossing
N Bnilam, D Joosens, R Berkvens, J Steckel, M Weyn
IEEE Access 9, 13532-13541, 2021
Parameter identification algorithm for ground source heat pump systems
N BniLam, R Al-Khoury
Applied energy 264, 114712, 2020
Synchronization of multiple independent sub-array antennas for IoT applications
N BniLam, J Steckel, M Weyn
EuCAP2018, 2018
A semi-analytical model for detailed 3D heat flow in shallow geothermal systems
N BniLam, R Al-Khoury, A Shiri, LJ Sluys
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 123, 911-927, 2018
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Articles 1–20