The gains from merger or collusion in product-differentiated industries JB Baker, TF Bresnahan The Journal of Industrial Economics 33 (4), 427-444, 1985 | 485 | 1985 |
Beyond schumpeter vs. arrows: Antitrust fosters innovation JB Baker Antitrust LJ 74, 575, 2007 | 449 | 2007 |
The case for antitrust enforcement JB Baker Journal of Economic perspectives 17 (4), 27-50, 2002 | 432 | 2002 |
Estimating the residual demand curve facing a single firm JB Baker, TF Bresnahan International Journal of Industrial Organization 6 (3), 283-300, 1988 | 387 | 1988 |
Market definition: An analytical overview JB Baker Antitrust LJ 74, 129, 2007 | 386 | 2007 |
Antitrust Law in Perspective: Cases, Concepts, and Problems in Competition Policy, 3d J Baker, A Gavil, W Kovacic, J Wright | 270 | 2016 |
Mavericks, mergers, and exclusion: Proving coordinated competitive effects under the antitrust laws JB Baker NYUl rev. 77, 135, 2002 | 268 | 2002 |
Empirical methods in antitrust litigation: Review and critique JB Baker, DL Rubinfeld American Law and Economics Review 1 (1), 386-435, 1999 | 251 | 1999 |
Antitrust, competition policy, and inequality JB Baker, SC Salop Geo. LJ Online 104, 1, 2015 | 227 | 2015 |
Taking the Error out of Error Cost Analysis: What's Wrong with Antitrust's Right JB Baker Antitrust LJ 80, 1, 2015 | 226 | 2015 |
Two Sherman Act Section 1 dilemmas: parallel pricing, the oligopoly problem, and contemporary economic theory JB Baker The Antitrust Bulletin 38 (1), 143-219, 1993 | 222 | 1993 |
Empirical methods of identifying and measuring market power JB Baker, TE Bresnahan J. Reprints Antitrust L. & Econ. 27, 743, 1997 | 195 | 1997 |
The antitrust paradigm: Restoring a competitive economy JB Baker Harvard University Press, 2019 | 157 | 2019 |
Recent developments in economics that challenge Chicago school views JB Baker Antitrust LJ 58, 645, 1989 | 152 | 1989 |
Exclusion as a core competition concern JB Baker Antitrust LJ 78, 527, 2012 | 150 | 2012 |
Econometric analysis in FTC v. Staples JB Baker Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 18 (1), 11-21, 1999 | 149 | 1999 |
Vertical restraints with horizontal consequences: Competitive effects of most-favored-customer clauses JB Baker Antitrust LJ 64, 517, 1995 | 134 | 1995 |
Competition policy as a political bargain JB Baker Antitrust LJ 73, 483, 2005 | 132 | 2005 |
Predatory pricing after Brooke Group: An economic perspective JB Baker Antitrust LJ 62, 585, 1993 | 130 | 1993 |
Economics and Politics: Perspectives on the Goals and Future of Antitrust JB Baker Fordham L. Rev. 81, 2175, 2012 | 116 | 2012 |