Retrospective time-trend study of polybrominated diphenyl ether and polybrominated and polychlorinated biphenyl levels in human serum from the United States. A Sjödin, RS Jones, JF Focant, C Lapeza, RY Wang, EE McGahee 3rd, ... Environmental health perspectives 112 (6), 654-658, 2004 | 411 | 2004 |
Semiautomated high-throughput extraction and cleanup method for the measurement of polybrominated diphenyl ethers, polybrominated biphenyls, and polychlorinated biphenyls in … A Sjödin, RS Jones, CR Lapeza, JF Focant, EE McGahee, DG Patterson Analytical chemistry 76 (7), 1921-1927, 2004 | 335 | 2004 |
Concentration of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in household dust from various countries A Sjödin, O Päpke, E McGahee, JF Focant, RS Jones, T Pless-Mulloli, ... Chemosphere 73 (1), S131-S136, 2008 | 271 | 2008 |
Evaluation of hazardous chemicals in edible insects and insect-based food intended for human consumption G Poma, M Cuykx, E Amato, C Calaprice, JF Focant, A Covaci Food and chemical toxicology 100, 70-79, 2017 | 262 | 2017 |
Dioxin/polychlorinated biphenyl body burden, diabetes and endometriosis: findings in a population-based study in Belgium S Fierens, H Mairesse, J Heilier, C De Burbure, J Focant, G Eppe, ... Biomarkers 8 (6), 529-534, 2003 | 216 | 2003 |
Levels and congener distributions of PCDDs, PCDFs and non-ortho PCBs in Belgian foodstuffs: assessment of dietary intake JF Focant, G Eppe, C Pirard, AC Massart, JE André, E De Pauw Chemosphere 48 (2), 167-179, 2002 | 193 | 2002 |
Enhanced characterization of the smell of death by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GCxGC-TOFMS) J Dekeirsschieter, PH Stefanuto, C Brasseur, E Haubruge, JF Focant PLoS One 7 (6), e39005, 2012 | 176 | 2012 |
Development and validation of a multi-residue method for pesticide determination in honey using on-column liquid–liquid extraction and liquid chromatography–tandem mass … C Pirard, J Widart, BK Nguyen, C Deleuze, L Heudt, E Haubruge, ... Journal of Chromatography A 1152 (1-2), 116-123, 2007 | 172 | 2007 |
Exhaled volatile organic compounds are able to discriminate between neutrophilic and eosinophilic asthma FN Schleich, D Zanella, PH Stefanuto, K Bessonov, A Smolinska, ... American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 200 (4), 444-453, 2019 | 165 | 2019 |
Measurement of selected polybrominated diphenyl ethers, polybrominated and polychlorinated biphenyls, and organochlorine pesticides in human serum and milk using comprehensive … JF Focant, A Sjödin, WE Turner, DG Patterson Analytical chemistry 76 (21), 6313-6320, 2004 | 163 | 2004 |
Fast clean-up for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls analysis of high-fat-content biological samples JF Focant, G Eppe, C Pirard, E De Pauw Journal of Chromatography A 925 (1-2), 207-221, 2001 | 159 | 2001 |
Characterization of volatile organic compounds from human analogue decomposition using thermal desorption coupled to comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography–time-of … S Stadler, PH Stefanuto, M Brokl, SL Forbes, JF Focant Analytical chemistry 85 (2), 998-1005, 2013 | 157 | 2013 |
Improved separation of the 209 polychlorinated biphenyl congeners using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography–time-of-flight mass spectrometry JF Focant, A Sjödin, DG Patterson Jr Journal of Chromatography A 1040 (2), 227-238, 2004 | 138 | 2004 |
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography–time-of-flight mass spectrometry for the forensic study of cadaveric volatile organic compounds released in soil by buried … C Brasseur, J Dekeirsschieter, EMJ Schotsmans, S de Koning, AS Wilson, ... Journal of chromatography A 1255, 163-170, 2012 | 122 | 2012 |
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with isotope dilution time-of-flight mass spectrometry for the measurement of dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls in … JF Focant, G Eppe, ML Scippo, AC Massart, C Pirard, G Maghuin-Rogister, ... Journal of Chromatography A 1086 (1-2), 45-60, 2005 | 118 | 2005 |
Automated sample preparation-fractionation for the measurement of dioxins and related compounds in biological matrices: a review JF Focant, C Pirard, E De Pauw Talanta 63 (5), 1101-1113, 2004 | 118 | 2004 |
Comparison of the decomposition VOC profile during winter and summer in a moist, mid-latitude (Cfb) climate SL Forbes, KA Perrault, PH Stefanuto, KD Nizio, JF Focant PloS one 9 (11), e113681, 2014 | 115 | 2014 |
Advanced method optimization for volatile aroma profiling of beer using two-dimensional gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry PH Stefanuto, KA Perrault, LM Dubois, B L’Homme, C Allen, ... Journal of Chromatography A 1507, 45-52, 2017 | 113 | 2017 |
Effects of a sublethal pesticide exposure on locomotor behavior: a video-tracking analysis in larval amphibians M Denoël, S Libon, P Kestemont, C Brasseur, JF Focant, E De Pauw Chemosphere 90 (3), 945-951, 2013 | 110 | 2013 |
Dietary intake of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs of the Belgian population I Windal, S Vandevijvere, M Maleki, S Goscinny, C Vinkx, JF Focant, ... Chemosphere 79 (3), 334-340, 2010 | 104 | 2010 |