Laurane Winandy
Laurane Winandy
University of Liège
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Bottom-up and top-down control of dispersal across major organismal groups
EA Fronhofer, D Legrand, F Altermatt, A Ansart, S Blanchet, D Bonte, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (12), 1859-1863, 2018
Integrating ecological and evolutionary context in the study of maternal stress
MJ Sheriff, A Bell, R Boonstra, B Dantzer, SG Lavergne, KE McGhee, ...
Integrative and comparative biology 57 (3), 437-449, 2017
Habitat selection and reproduction of newts in networks of fish and fishless aquatic patches
L Winandy, P Legrand, M Denoël
Animal Behaviour 123, 107-115, 2017
Amphibians forgo aquatic life in response to alien fish introduction
L Winandy, E Darnet, M Denoël
Animal Behaviour 109, 209-216, 2015
The aggressive personality of an introduced fish affects foraging behavior in a polymorphic newt
L Winandy, M Denoël
Behavioral Ecology 26 (6), 1528-1536, 2015
Cues from introduced fish alter shelter use and feeding behaviour in adult alpine newts
L Winandy, M Denoël
Ethology 119 (2), 121-129, 2013
The importance of phenotypic diversity in conservation: Resilience of palmate newt morphotypes after fish removal in Larzac ponds (France)
M Denoël, L Winandy
Biological Conservation 192, 402-408, 2015
Introduced goldfish affect amphibians through inhibition of sexual behaviour in risky habitats: an experimental approach
L Winandy, M Denoël
PLoS One 8 (11), e82736, 2013
Dispersal syndromes in challenging environments: A cross‐species experiment
J Cote, M Dahirel, N Schtickzelle, F Altermatt, A Ansart, S Blanchet, ...
Ecology Letters 25 (12), 2675-2687, 2022
The use of visual and automatized behavioral markers to assess methodologies: a study case on PIT-tagging in the Alpine newt
L Winandy, M Denoël
Behavior research methods 43, 568-576, 2011
Habitat fragmentation experiments on arthropods: what to do next?
E Bestion, J Cote, S Jacob, L Winandy, D Legrand
Current opinion in insect science 35, 117-122, 2019
Expression of sexual ornaments in a polymorphic species: phenotypic variation in response to environmental risk
L Winandy, M Denoël
Journal of evolutionary biology 28 (5), 1049-1056, 2015
Temporal habitat shift of a polymorphic newt species under predation risk
L Winandy, M Colin, M Denoël
Behavioral Ecology 27 (4), 1025-1032, 2016
Reproductive fitness consequences of progenesis: Sex‐specific pay‐offs in safe and risky environments
M Denoël, L Drapeau, L Winandy
Journal of evolutionary biology 32 (6), 629-637, 2019
Local predation risk and matrix permeability interact to shape movement strategy
L Winandy, J Cote, L Di Gesu, F Pellerin, A Trochet, D Legrand
Oikos, 2019
Fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) in Larzac plateau: low occurrence, pond-breeding and cohabitation of larvae with paedomorphic palmate newts (Lissotriton helveticus)
M Denoël, L Winandy
Acta Herpetologica 9 (1), 43-49, 2014
Connectivity among thermal habitats buffers the effects of warm climate on life‐history traits and population dynamics
F Pellerin, E Bestion, L Winandy, L Di Gesu, M Richard, R Aguilée, J Cote
Journal of Animal Ecology 91 (11), 2301-2313, 2022
The role of predation risk in metamorphosis versus behavioural avoidance: a sex-specific study in a facultative paedomorphic amphibian
M Denoël, L Drapeau, N Oromi, L Winandy
Oecologia 189 (3), 637-645, 2019
Maternal and personal information mediates the use of social cues about predation risk
L Winandy, L Di Gesu, M Lemoine, S Jacob, J Martin, C Ducamp, M Huet, ...
Behavioral Ecology, 2021
Influence of landscape connectivity on newt’s response to a warmer climate
L Winandy, F Pellerin, L Di Gesu, D Legrand, J Cote
Landscape Ecology 38 (8), 2103-2120, 2023
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