Sybert Stroeve
Sybert Stroeve
Netherlands Aerospace Centre NLR
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Approaching automatic recognition of emotion from voice: A rough benchmark
S McGilloway, R Cowie, E Douglas-Cowie, S Gielen, M Westerdijk, ...
ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop (ITRW) on Speech and Emotion, 2000
Impedance characteristics of a neuromusculoskeletal model of the human arm I. Posture control
S Stroeve
Biological cybernetics 81 (5), 475-494, 1999
Systemic accident risk assessment in air traffic by Monte Carlo simulation
SH Stroeve, HAP Blom, GJB Bakker
Safety science 47 (2), 238-249, 2009
Contrasting safety assessments of a runway incursion scenario: Event sequence analysis versus multi-agent dynamic risk modelling
SH Stroeve, HAP Blom, GJB Bakker
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 109, 133-149, 2013
Learning combined feedback and feedforward control of a musculoskeletal system
S Stroeve
Biological cybernetics 75 (1), 73-83, 1996
Safety risk assessment by Monte Carlo simulation of complex safety critical operations
HAP Blom, SH Stroeve, HH de Jong
Developments in Risk-based Approaches to Safety: Proceedings of the …, 2006
Multi-agent situation awareness error evolution in accident risk modelling
SH Stroeve, HAP Blom, MNJ Van der Park
National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, 2003
An agent-based approach for structured modeling, analysis and improvement of safety culture
A Sharpanskykh, SH Stroeve
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 17, 77-117, 2011
Correlation between uncoupled conductance-based integrate-and-fire neurons due to common and synchronous presynaptic firing
S Stroeve, S Gielen
Neural Computation 13 (9), 2005-2029, 2001
Structured assessment of bias and uncertainty in Monte Carlo simulated accident risk
MHC Everdij, HAP Blom, SH Stroeve
National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, 2006
Agent-based modelling and mental simulation for resilience engineering in air transport
SH Stroeve, MHC Everdij
Safety science 93, 29-49, 2017
Agent-based organizational modelling for analysis of safety culture at an air navigation service provider
SH Stroeve, A Sharpanskykh, B Kirwan
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 96 (5), 515-533, 2011
A learning feedback and feedforward neuromuscular control model for two degrees of freedom human arm movements
S Stroeve
Human Movement Science 16 (5), 621-651, 1997
Impedance characteristics of a neuromusculoskeletal model of the human arm II. Movement control
S Stroeve
Biological cybernetics 81 (5), 495-504, 1999
Human cognition performance model to evaluate safe spacing in air traffic
HAP Blom, SH Stroeve, MHC Everdij, MNJ Van der Park
National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, 2002
Neuromuscular control model of the arm including feedback and feedforward components
S Stroeve
Acta psychologica 100 (1-2), 117-131, 1998
Modelling of potential hazards in agent-based safety risk analysis
HAP Blom, SH Stroeve, T Bosse
[Sl]:[Sn], 2013
Strengthening air traffic safety management by moving from outcome-based towards risk-based evaluation of runway incursions
SH Stroeve, P Som, BA van Doorn, GJB Bakker
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 147, 93-108, 2016
Agent-based modelling for analysis of resilience in ATM
SH Stroeve, T Bosse, HA Blom, A Sharpanskykh, MH Everdij
Proceedings of the Third SESAR Innovation days. Stockholm (Sweden), Novermber, 2013
How to identify unimaginable hazards
HH De Jong, HAP Blom, SH Stroeve
Proc. 25th ISSC, Baltimore, Maryland, 2007
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Articles 1–20