Yves Berger
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Sampling with unequal probabilities
YG Berger, Y Tillé
Handbook of statistics 29, 39-54, 2009
Body mass index and common mental disorders: exploring the shape of the association and its moderation by age, gender and education
RL McCrea, YG Berger, MB King
International Journal of Obesity 36 (3), 414-421, 2012
Rate of convergence to normal distribution for the Horvitz-Thompson estimator
YG Berger
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 67 (2), 209-226, 1998
Rate of convergence for asymptotic variance of the Horvitz–Thompson estimator
YG Berger
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 74 (1), 149-168, 1998
Empirical likelihood confidence intervals for complex sampling designs
YG Berger, O De La Riva Torres
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2016
Variance estimation for a low income proportion
YG Berger, CJ Skinner
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 52 (4 …, 2003
A jackknife variance estimator for unequal probability sampling
YG Berger, CJ Skinner
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2005
Variance estimation for measures of change in probability sampling
YG Berger
Canadian Journal of Statistics 32 (4), 451-467, 2004
A simple variance estimator for unequal probability sampling without replacement
YG Berger
Journal of Applied Statistics 31 (3), 305-315, 2004
A jackknife variance estimator for unistage stratified samples with unequal probabilities
YG Berger
Biometrika 94 (4), 953-964, 2007
A simple variance estimator of change for rotating repeated surveys: an application to the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions household surveys
YG Berger, R Priam
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 179 …, 2016
Standard error estimation for the EU-SILC indicators of poverty and social exclusion
G Osier, YG Berger, T Goedeme
Eurostat Methodologies and Working Papers Series, 2013
Asymptotic consistency under large entropy sampling designs with unequal probabilities
YG Berger
Pakistan Journal of Statistics 27 (4), 407-426, 2011
Towards optimal regression estimation in sample surveys
YG Berger, MEH Tirari, Y Tillé
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 45 (3), 319-329, 2003
Adjusted jackknife for imputation under unequal probability sampling without replacement
YG Berger, JNK Rao
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2006
A Note on the Asymptotic Equivalence of Jackknife and Linearization Variance Estimation for the Gini Coefficient
YG Berger
Journal of Official Statistics 24 (4), 541–555, 2008
Modelling complex survey data with population level information: an empirical likelihood approach
M Oguz-Alper, YG Berger
Biometrika 103 (2), 447-459, 2016
Variance estimation with Chao's sampling scheme
YG Berger
Journal of statistical planning and inference 127 (1-2), 253-277, 2005
An empirical likelihood approach under cluster sampling with missing observations
YG Berger
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 72 (1), 91-121, 2020
Variance estimation of change in poverty rates: an application to the Turkish EU-SILC survey
M Oguz Alper, YG Berger
Journal of Official Statistics 31 (2), 155-175, 2015
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