Prof. Dr Steven Provyn (PhD)
Prof. Dr Steven Provyn (PhD)
Haute école Paul Henri Spaak - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
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Cadaver studies and their impact on the understanding of human adiposity
JP Clarys, S Provyn, MJ Marfell-Jones
Ergonomics 48 (11-14), 1445-1461, 2005
Reproducibility, accuracy and concordance of Accutrend® Plus for measuring circulating lipid concentration in adults
A Scafoglieri, J Tresignie, S Provyn, JP Clarys, I Bautmans
Biochemia medica 22 (1), 100-108, 2012
Ankle and midfoot ligaments: ultrasound with anatomical correlation: a review
S Döring, S Provyn, S Marcelis, M Shahabpour, C Boulet, J de Mey, ...
European Journal of Radiology 107, 216-226, 2018
A macro-quality evaluation of DXA variables using whole dissection, ashing, and computer tomography in pigs
JP Clarys, A Scafoglieri, S Provyn, O Louis, JA Wallace, J De Mey
Obesity 18 (8), 1477, 2010
Quality control, accuracy, and prediction capacity of dual energy X-ray absorptiometry variables and data acquisition
S Provyn, JP Clarys, J Wallace, A Scafoglieri, T Reilly
Journal of physiological anthropology 27 (6), 317-323, 2008
Morphological and constitutional comparison of age-matched in-vivo and post-mortem populations
JP Clarys, S Provyn, M Marfell-Jones, P Van Roy
Morphologie 90 (291), 189-196, 2006
Direct relationship of body mass index and waist circumference with body tissue distribution in elderly persons
A Scafoglieri, S Provyn, I Bautmans, P Van Roy, JP Clarys
The Journal of nutrition, health and aging 15 (10), 924-931, 2011
In vitro three dimensional morphometry of the lateral atlantoaxial articular surfaces
E Cattrysse, S Provyn, O Gagey, P Kool, JP Clarys, P Van Roy
Spine 33 (14), 1503-1508, 2008
Prediction of segmental lean mass using anthropometric variables in young adults
A Scafoglieri, J Tresignie, S Provyn, M Marfell-Jones, T Reilly, I Bautmans, ...
Journal of sports sciences 30 (8), 777-785, 2012
Metabolic syndrome and its components in young adults conceived by ICSI
F Belva, M Bonduelle, S Provyn, RC Painter, H Tournaye, M Roelants, ...
International journal of endocrinology 2018 (1), 8170518, 2018
Improved cognitive functioning in obese adolescents after a 30-week inpatient weight loss program
S Vantieghem, I Bautmans, AD Guchtenaere, A Tanghe, S Provyn
Pediatric research 84 (2), 267-271, 2018
Reproducibility of kinematic motion coupling parameters during manual upper cervical axial rotation mobilization: a 3-dimensional in vitro study of the atlanto-axial joint
E Cattrysse, S Provyn, P Kool, O Gagey, JP Clarys, P Van Roy
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology 19 (1), 93-104, 2009
The impact of an active and passive industrial back exoskeleton on functional performance
R Govaerts, S De Bock, S Provyn, B Vanderborght, B Roelands, ...
Ergonomics 67 (5), 597-618, 2024
Atlanto-axial facet displacement during rotational high-velocity low-amplitude thrust: An in vitro 3D kinematic analysis
L Buzzatti, S Provyn, P Van Roy, E Cattrysse
Manual Therapy 20 (6), 783-789, 2015
Whole body composition by Hologic QDR 4500/A DXA: system reliability versus user accuracy and precision
A Scafoglieri, S Provyn, J Wallace, O Louis, J Tresignie, I Bautmans, ...
Applications and experiences of quality control, 45-62, 2011
Ultrasonographic evaluation of the distance between the flexor pollicis longus tendon and volar prominence of the plate as a function of volar plate positioning and pronator …
CK Goorens, K Van Royen, S Grijseels, S Provyn, J De Mey, ...
Hand surgery and rehabilitation 37 (3), 171-174, 2018
Forefoot pain in the lesser toes: anatomical considerations and magnetic resonance imaging findings
T Hulstaert, M Shahabpour, S Provyn, L Lenchik, P Simons, R Vanheste, ...
Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 70 (4), 408-415, 2019
Body fat content, fat distribution and adipocytokine production and their correlation with fertility markers in young adult men and women conceived by intracytoplasmic sperm …
F Belva, J De Schepper, M Roelants, H Tournaye, M Bonduelle, S Provyn
Clinical endocrinology 88 (6), 985-992, 2018
Self-perceived fatigue in adolescents in relation to body composition and physical outcomes
S Vantieghem, I Bautmans, J Tresignie, S Provyn
Pediatric Research 83 (2), 420-424, 2018
Adiposity, psychomotor and behaviour outcomes of children born after maternal bariatric surgery
K Van De Maele, A Bogaerts, J De Schepper, S Provyn, D Ceulemans, ...
Pediatric Obesity 16 (5), e12749, 2021
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