Matthew Read
Matthew Read
Staff Research Associate, University of California Davis
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Estimating nitrate leaching to groundwater from orchards: Comparing crop nitrogen excess, deep vadose zone data‐driven estimates, and HYDRUS modeling
S Baram, V Couvreur, T Harter, M Read, PH Brown, M Kandelous, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 15 (11), 1-13, 2016
Assessment of orchard N losses to groundwater with a vadose zone monitoring network
S Baram, V Couvreur, T Harter, M Read, PH Brown, JW Hopmans, ...
Agricultural Water Management 172, 83-95, 2016
Minimizing N-losses at the orchard scale
S Baram, S Dabach, M Read, T Harter, PH Brown, J Hopmans, D Smart
IX International Symposium on Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops 1333, 25-34, 2021
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