Timothy Farkas
Timothy Farkas
Department of Biology
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Stick insect genomes reveal natural selection’s role in parallel speciation
V Soria-Carrasco, Z Gompert, AA Comeault, TE Farkas, TL Parchman, ...
Science 344 (6185), 738-742, 2014
Natural selection and the predictability of evolution in Timema stick insects
P Nosil, R Villoutreix, CF de Carvalho, TE Farkas, V Soria-Carrasco, ...
Science 359 (6377), 765-770, 2018
Transitions between phases of genomic differentiation during stick-insect speciation
R Riesch, M Muschick, D Lindtke, R Villoutreix, AA Comeault, TE Farkas, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (4), 0082, 2017
Shifts in plant functional composition following long‐term drought in grasslands
RJ Griffin‐Nolan, DM Blumenthal, SL Collins, TE Farkas, AM Hoffman, ...
Journal of Ecology 107 (5), 2133-2148, 2019
Evolution of camouflage drives rapid ecological change in an insect community
TE Farkas, T Mononen, AA Comeault, I Hanski, P Nosil
Current Biology 23 (19), 1835-1843, 2013
Genomic consequences of multiple speciation processes in a stick insect
P Nosil, Z Gompert, TE Farkas, AA Comeault, JL Feder, CA Buerkle, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1749), 5058-5065, 2012
Tritrophic interactions at a community level: effects of host plant species quality on bird predation of caterpillars
MS Singer, TE Farkas, CM Skorik, KA Mooney
The American Naturalist 179 (3), 363-374, 2012
Long‐term balancing selection on chromosomal variants associated with crypsis in a stick insect
D Lindtke, K Lucek, V Soria‐Carrasco, R Villoutreix, TE Farkas, R Riesch, ...
Molecular ecology 26 (22), 6189-6205, 2017
Selection on a genetic polymorphism counteracts ecological speciation in a stick insect
AA Comeault, SM Flaxman, R Riesch, E Curran, V Soria-Carrasco, ...
Current Biology 25 (15), 1975-1981, 2015
Herbivore diet breadth mediates the cascading effects of carnivores in food webs
MS Singer, IH Lichter-Marck, TE Farkas, E Aaron, KD Whitney, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (26), 9521-9526, 2014
Genome-Wide Association Mapping of Phenotypic Traits Subject to a Range of Intensities of Natural Selection in Timema cristinae
AA Comeault, V Soria-Carrasco, Z Gompert, TE Farkas, CA Buerkle, ...
The American Naturalist 183 (5), 711-727, 2014
How maladaptation can structure biodiversity: eco-evolutionary island biogeography
TE Farkas, AP Hendry, P Nosil, AP Beckerman
Trends in ecology & evolution 30 (3), 154-160, 2015
Can caterpillar density or host-plant quality explain host-plant-related parasitism of a generalist forest caterpillar assemblage?
TE Farkas, MS Singer
Oecologia 173, 971-983, 2013
Multiple interaction types determine the impact of ant predation of caterpillars in a forest community
RE Clark, TE Farkas, I Lichter‐Marck, ER Johnson, MS Singer
Ecology 97 (12), 3379-3388, 2016
Observational evidence that maladaptive gene flow reduces patch occupancy in a wild insect metapopulation
TE Farkas, T Mononen, AA Comeault, P Nosil
Evolution 70 (12), 2879-2888, 2016
De novo characterization of the Timema cristinae transcriptome facilitates marker discovery and inference of genetic divergence
AA Comeault, M Sommers, T Schwander, CA Buerkle, TE Farkas, P Nosil, ...
Molecular ecology resources 12 (3), 549-561, 2012
Adaptation reduces competitive dominance and alters community assembly
CP Nadeau, TE Farkas, AM Makkay, RT Papke, MC Urban
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1945), 20203133, 2021
Body size, not maladaptive gene flow, explains death-feigning behaviour in Timema cristinae stick insects
TE Farkas
Evolutionary Ecology 30, 623-634, 2016
Density-dependent selection closes an eco-evolutionary feedback loop in the stick insect Timema cristinae
TE Farkas, G Montejo-Kovacevich
Biology letters 10 (12), 20140896, 2014
Noisy Neighbors: Acoustic Interference and Vocal Interactions between Two Syntopic Species of Ranid Frogs, Rana clamitans and Rana catesbeiana
SZ Herrick, KD Wells, TE Farkas, ET Schultz
Journal of Herpetology 52 (2), 176-184, 2018
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