Franck Marzani
Franck Marzani
ImViA EA7535 - Universite de Bourgogne - France
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Development of a Multispectral Gastroendoscope to Improve the Detection of Precancerous Lesions in Digestive Gastroendoscopy
SEM Herrera, Y Benezeth, M Boffety, F Goudail, D Lamarque, JF Emile, ...
Doctoral Consortium on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory …, 2014
Automatic differentiation of melanoma from dysplastic nevi
M Rastgoo, R Garcia, O Morel, F Marzani
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 43, 44-52, 2015
Integration of 3D and multispectral data for cultural heritage applications: Survey and perspectives
CS Chane, A Mansouri, FS Marzani, F Boochs
Image and Vision Computing 31 (1), 91-102, 2013
Skin parameter map retrieval from a dedicated multispectral imaging system applied to dermatology/cosmetology
R Jolivot, Y Benezeth, F Marzani
International journal of biomedical imaging 2013 (1), 978289, 2013
Development of a protocol for CCD calibration: application to a multispectral imaging system
A Mansouri, FS Marzani, P Gouton
International Journal of Robotics and Automation 20 (2), 94-100, 2005
Reconstruction of hyperspectral cutaneous data from an artificial neural network-based multispectral imaging system
R Jolivot, P Vabres, F Marzani
Computerized medical imaging and graphics 35 (2), 85-88, 2011
3-D shape reconstruction in an active stereo vision system using genetic algorithms
A Dipanda, S Woo, F Marzani, JM Bilbault
Pattern recognition 36 (9), 2143-2159, 2003
Increasing the accuracy of untaught robot positions by means of a multi-camera system
F Boochs, R Schütze, C Simon, F Marzani, H Wirth, J Meier
2010 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, 1-9, 2010
Optical calibration of a multispectral imaging system based on interference filters
A Mansouri, FS Marzani, JY Hardeberg, P Gouton
Optical Engineering 44 (2), 027004-027004-12, 2005
Neural networks in two cascade algorithms for spectral reflectance reconstruction
A Mansouri, FS Marzani, P Gouton
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2005 2, II-718, 2005
A 3-D marker-free system for the analysis of movement disabilities-an application to the legs
F Marzani, E Calais, L Legrand
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 5 (1), 18-26, 2001
Toward a 3D multispectral scanner: An application to multimedia
A Mansouri, A Lathuiliere, FS Marzani, Y Voisin, P Gouton
IEEE multimedia 14 (1), 40-47, 2007
Classification of melanoma lesions using sparse coded features and random forests
M Rastgoo, G Lemaître, O Morel, J Massich, R Garcia, F Mériaudeau, ...
Medical Imaging 2016: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 9785, 73-81, 2016
Calibration of a three-dimensional reconstruction system using a structured light source
FS Marzani, Y Voisin, LFC Lew Yan Voon, A Diou
Optical Engineering 41 (2), 484-492, 2002
Colour and multispectral imaging for wound healing evaluation in the context of a comparative preclinical study
D Nouri, Y Lucas, S Treuillet, R Jolivot, F Marzani
Medical Imaging 2013: Image Processing 8669, 562-571, 2013
Tackling the problem of data imbalancing for melanoma classification
M Rastgoo, G Lemaitre, J Massich, O Morel, F Marzani, R Garcia, ...
Bioimaging, 2016
Analysis of multispectral images of excised colon tissue samples based on genetic algorithms
J Galeano, R Jolivot, Y Benezeth, F Marzani, JF Emile, D Lamarque
2012 Eighth International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet …, 2012
Ontology-driven 3D reconstruction of architectural objects
C Cruz, F Marzani, F Boochs
3D Model Aquisition and Representation 2, 47-54, 2007
Classification of wideband tympanometry by deep transfer learning with data augmentation for automatic diagnosis of otosclerosis
L Nie, C Li, F Marzani, H Wang, F Thibouw, AB Grayeli
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 26 (2), 888-897, 2021
Scars collaborative telediagnosis platform using adaptive image flow
R Kassab, JC Lapayre, JB Aupet, F Marzani, C Pieralli
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 20 (1), 3-14, 2013
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Articles 1–20