Wolfgang Glänzel
Wolfgang Glänzel
Professor, KU Leuven
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Analysing scientific networks through co-authorship
W Glänzel, A Schubert
Handbook of quantitative science and technology research: The use of …, 2004
National characteristics in international scientific co-authorship relations
W Glänzel
Scientometrics 51, 69-115, 2001
Bibliometrics as a research field a course on theory and application of bibliometric indicators
W Glanzel
A Hirsch-type index for journals
T Braun, W Glänzel, A Schubert
Scientometrics 69, 169-173, 2006
Journal impact measures in bibliometric research
W Glänzel, HF Moed
Scientometrics 53, 171-193, 2002
Inflationary bibliometric values: The role of scientific collaboration and the need for relative indicators in evaluative studies
O Persson, W Glänzel, R Danell
Scientometrics 60 (3), 421-432, 2004
Handbook of quantitative science and technology research
HF Moed, W Glänzel, U Schmoch
The Use of Publications and Patent Statistics in Studies of S&T Systems …, 2004
A new classification scheme of science fields and subfields designed for scientometric evaluation purposes
W Glänzel, A Schubert
Scientometrics 56 (3), 357-367, 2003
Coauthorship patterns and trends in the sciences (1980-1998): A bibliometric study with implications for database indexing and search strategies
W Glänzel
Graduate School of Library and Information Science. University of Illinois …, 2002
A bibliometric study of reference literature in the sciences and social sciences
W Glänzel, U Schoepflin
Information processing & management 35 (1), 31-44, 1999
On the h-index-A mathematical approach to a new measure of publication activity and citation impact
W Glänzel
Scientometrics 67 (2), 315-321, 2006
Double effort= double impact? A critical view at international co-authorship in chemistry
W Glänzel, A Schubert
Scientometrics 50 (2), 199-214, 2001
Scientometric datafiles. A comprehensive set of indicators on 2649 journals and 96 countries in all major science fields and subfields 1981–1985
A Schubert, W Glänzel, T Braun
Scientometrics 16 (1-6), 3-478, 1989
Science in Brazil. Part 1: A macro-level comparative study
W Glänzel, J Leta, B Thijs
Scientometrics 67, 67-86, 2006
A Hirsch-type index for journals
T Braun, W Glänzel, A Schubert
The scientist 19 (22), 8, 2005
A bibliometric analysis of international scientific cooperation of the European Union (1985–1995)
W Glänzel, A Schubert, H Czerwon
Scientometrics 45 (2), 185-202, 1999
On the opportunities and limitations of the H-index
W Glänzel
Science focus 1 (1), 10-11, 2006
Optimized data fusion for kernel k-means clustering
S Yu, L Tranchevent, X Liu, W Glanzel, JAK Suykens, B De Moor, ...
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 34 (5), 1031-1039, 2011
A characterization theorem based on truncated moments and its application to some distribution families
W Glänzel
Mathematical statistics and probability theory: volume B statistical …, 1987
A bibliometric study on ageing and reception processes of scientific literature
W Glänzel, U Schoepflin
Journal of information Science 21 (1), 37-53, 1995
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