Matthew Prockup
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End-to-end learning for music audio tagging at scale
J Pons, O Nieto, M Prockup, E Schmidt, A Ehmann, X Serra
arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.02520, 2017
Automatic multi-track mixing using linear dynamical systems
J Scott, M Prockup, EM Schmidt, YE Kim
Proceedings of the 8th Sound and Music Computing Conference, Padova, Italy 12, 2011
Orchestral performance companion: Using real-time audio to score alignment
M Prockup, D Grunberg, A Hrybyk, YE Kim
IEEE MultiMedia 20 (2), 52-60, 2013
Modeling Genre with the Music Genome Project: Comparing Human-Labeled Attributes and Audio Features.
M Prockup, AF Ehmann, F Gouyon, EM Schmidt, O Celma, YE Kim
ISMIR, 31-37, 2015
Teaching stem concepts through music technology and dsp
YE Kim, AM Batula, R Migneco, P Richardson, B Dolhansky, D Grunberg, ...
2011 Digital Signal Processing and Signal Processing Education Meeting (DSP …, 2011
Modeling musical rhythmatscale with the music genome project
M Prockup, AF Ehmann, F Gouyon, EM Schmidt, YE Kim
2015 IEEE workshop on applications of signal processing to audio and …, 2015
Relating perceptual and feature space invariances in music emotion recognition
EM Schmidt, M Prockup, J Scott, B Dolhansky, B Morton, YE Kim
9th Int. Symp. Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval, London, UK, 2012
Toward Understanding Expressive Percussion Through Content Based Analysis.
M Prockup, EM Schmidt, JJ Scott, YE Kim
ISMIR, 143-148, 2013
Predicting audio advertisement quality
S Ebrahimi, H Vahabi, M Prockup, O Nieto
Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM International Conference on Web Search and …, 2018
Predicting time-varying musical emotion distributions from multi-track audio
J Scott, EM Schmidt, M Prockup, B Morton, YE Kim
space 6, 8, 2012
Music Technology as an Introduction to STEM
AM Batula, BG Morton, R Migneco, M Prockup, EM Schmidt, DK Grunberg, ...
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 25.962. 1-25.962. 13, 2012
ªEnd-to-end learning for music audio tagging at scale, º in
J Pons, O Nieto, M Prockup, E Schmidt, A Ehmann, X Serra
Proceedings of the 19th International Society for Music Information …, 2018
Modeling rhythm using tree ensembles and the music genome project
M Prockup, AJ Asman, F Gouyon, EM Schmidt, O Celma, YE Kim
Machine Learning for Music Discovery Workshop at the International …, 2015
Representing musical patterns via the rhythmic style histogram feature
M Prockup, J Scott, YE Kim
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1057-1060, 2014
A Data-driven Exploration of Rhythmic Attributes and Style in Music
MK Prockup
Drexel University, 2016
Analyzing the perceptual salience of audio features for musical emotion recognition
EM Schmidt, M Prockup, J Scott, B Dolhansky, BG Morton, YE Kim
From Sounds to Music and Emotions: 9th International Symposium, CMMR 2012 …, 2013
DrexelCast: Orchestral Performance Companion
A Hrybyk, D Grungerg, M Prockup
Drexel University. College of Engineering. Research day posters., 0
Education Through Music Technology
M Prockup, A Batula, B Morton, YE Kim
New Physical and Digital Interfaces for Music Creation and Expression
J Scott, B Dolhansky, M Prockup, A McPherson, YE Kim
Interactive Multimedia Education
M Prockup, D Grunberg, A Hrybyk, YE Kim
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