John Wehmiller
John Wehmiller
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Racemization of amino acids in marine sediments
J Wehmiller, PE Hare
Science 173 (4000), 907-911, 1971
Interlaboratory comparison of amino acid enantiomeric ratios in fossil Pleistocene mollusks
JF Wehmiller
Quaternary Research 22 (1), 109-120, 1984
Aminostratigraphy and faunal correlations of late Quaternary marine terraces, Pacific Coast, USA
GL Kennedy, KR Lajoie, JF Wehmiller
Nature 299 (5883), 545-547, 1982
A review of amino acid racemization studies in Quaternary mollusks: stratigraphic and chronologic applications in coastal and interglacial sites, Pacific and Atlantic coasts …
JF Wehmiller
Quaternary Science Reviews 1 (2), 83-120, 1982
Air‐ground temperature coupling and subsurface propagation of annual temperature signals
JE Smerdon, HN Pollack, V Cermak, JW Enz, M Kresl, J Safanda, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 109 (D21), 2004
Aminostratigraphic dating methods in Quaternary geology
JF Wehmiller, GH Miller
Quaternary geochronology: methods and applications 4, 187-222, 2000
A review of the aminostratigraphy of Quaternary mollusks from United States Atlantic Coastal Plain sites
JF Wehmiller, DF Belknap, BS Boutin, JE Mirecki, SD Rahaim, LL York, ...
Geological Society of America Special Paper 227, 69-110, 1988
Quaternary marine shorelines and crustal deformation, San Diego to Santa Barbara, California
KR Lajoie, JP Kern, JF Wehmiller, GL Kennedy, SA Mathieson, ...
Geological excursions in the southern California area, 3-15, 1979
Daily, seasonal, and annual relationships between air and subsurface temperatures
JE Smerdon, HN Pollack, V Cermak, JW Enz, M Kresl, J Safanda, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D7), 2006
Amino acid racemization in ostracodes
DS Kaufman, G Goodfriend, M Collins, M Fogel, S Macko, J Wehmiller
Perspectives in amino acid and protein geochemistry, 145-160, 2000
Correlation and chronology of Pacific coast marine terrace deposits of continental United States by fossil amino acid stereochemistry: Technique evaluation, relative ages …
JF Wehmiller
US Department of the Interior, Geological Survey 77 (680), 1977
Quaternary sea-level history of the United States
DR Muhs, JF Wehmiller, KR Simmons, LL York
Developments in Quaternary Sciences 1, 147-183, 2003
Inter-and intrageneric trends in apparent racemization kinetics of amino acids in Quaternary mollusks
KR Lajoie, JF Wehmiller, GL Kennedy
Biogeochem Amino Acids, Conference papers, 1980
Depositional patterns resulting from high frequency Quaternary sea level fluctuations in northeastern North Carolina
SR Riggs, LL York, JF Wehmiller, SW Snyder
Special Publications of SEPM, 1992
Quantitative comparisons and models of time-averaging in bivalve and brachiopod shell accumulations
RA Krause, SL Barbour, M Kowalewski, DS Kaufman, CS Romanek, ...
Paleobiology 36 (3), 428-452, 2010
Uranium-series coral ages from the US Atlantic Coastal Plain–the “80 ka problem” revisited
JF Wehmiller, KR Simmons, H Cheng, RL Edwards, J Martin-McNaughton, ...
Quaternary International 120 (1), 3-14, 2004
Amino acid racemization geochronology of reworked Quaternary mollusks on US Atlantic coast beaches: implications for chronostratigraphy, taphonomy, and coastal sediment transport
JF Wehmiller, LL York, ML Bart
Marine Geology 124 (1-4), 303-337, 1995
Relative and absolute dating of Quaternary mollusks with amino acid racemization: evaluation, applications and questions
JF Wehmiller
Developments in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy 7, 171-193, 1984
Comparative taphonomy of bivalves and foraminifera from Holocene tidal flat sediments, Bahia la Choya, Sonora, Mexico (northern Gulf of California): taphonomic grades and …
RE Martin, JF Wehmiller, MS Harris, WD Liddell
Paleobiology 22 (1), 80-90, 1996
Late Neogene and Quaternary evolution of the northern Albemarle Embayment (mid-Atlantic continental margin, USA)
D Mallinson, S Riggs, ER Thieler, S Culver, K Farrell, DS Foster, ...
Marine Geology 217 (1-2), 97-117, 2005
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