Marcelo A. Montemurro
Marcelo A. Montemurro
School of Mathematics and Statistics at The Open University
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Spike-phase coding boosts and stabilizes information carried by spatial and temporal spike patterns
C Kayser, MA Montemurro, NK Logothetis, S Panzeri
Neuron 61 (4), 597-608, 2009
Correcting for the sampling bias problem in spike train information measures
S Panzeri, R Senatore, MA Montemurro, RS Petersen
Journal of neurophysiology 98 (3), 1064-1072, 2007
Low-frequency local field potentials and spikes in primary visual cortex convey independent visual information
A Belitski, A Gretton, C Magri, Y Murayama, MA Montemurro, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (22), 5696-5709, 2008
Phase-of-firing coding of natural visual stimuli in primary visual cortex
MA Montemurro, MJ Rasch, Y Murayama, NK Logothetis, S Panzeri
Current biology 18 (5), 375-380, 2008
Beyond the Zipf–Mandelbrot law in quantitative linguistics
MA Montemurro
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 300 (3-4), 567-578, 2001
Melanopsin-driven light adaptation in mouse vision
AE Allen, R Storchi, FP Martial, RS Petersen, MA Montemurro, TM Brown, ...
Current biology 24 (21), 2481-2490, 2014
Dynamics of text generation with realistic Zipf's distribution
D Zanette, M Montemurro
Journal of quantitative Linguistics 12 (1), 29-40, 2005
Long-range fractal correlations in literary corpora
MA Montemurro, PA Pury
Fractals 10 (04), 451-461, 2002
Information-theoretic sensitivity analysis: a general method for credit assignment in complex networks
N Lüdtke, S Panzeri, M Brown, DS Broomhead, J Knowles, ...
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 5 (19), 223-235, 2008
Diverse and temporally precise kinetic feature selectivity in the VPm thalamic nucleus
RS Petersen, M Brambilla, MR Bale, A Alenda, S Panzeri, ...
Neuron 60 (5), 890-903, 2008
Universal entropy of word ordering across linguistic families
MA Montemurro, DH Zanette
PLoS One 6 (5), e19875, 2011
Role of precise spike timing in coding of dynamic vibrissa stimuli in somatosensory thalamus
MA Montemurro, S Panzeri, M Maravall, A Alenda, MR Bale, M Brambilla, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 98 (4), 1871-1882, 2007
Tight data-robust bounds to mutual information combining shuffling and model selection techniques
MA Montemurro, R Senatore, S Panzeri
Neural Computation 19 (11), 2913-2957, 2007
Keywords and co-occurrence patterns in the Voynich manuscript: An information-theoretic analysis
MA Montemurro, DH Zanette
PloS one 8 (6), e66344, 2013
Natural language statistical features of LSTM-generated texts
M Lippi, MA Montemurro, M Degli Esposti, G Cristadoro
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 30 (11), 3326-3337, 2019
Modulation of fast narrowband oscillations in the mouse retina and dLGN according to background light intensity
R Storchi, RA Bedford, FP Martial, AE Allen, J Wynne, MA Montemurro, ...
Neuron 93 (2), 299-307, 2017
Towards the quantification of the semantic information encoded in written language
MA Montemurro, DH Zanette
Advances in Complex Systems 13 (02), 135-153, 2010
New perspectives on Zipf’s law in linguistics: from single texts to large corpora
MA Montemurro, DH Zanette
Glottometrics 4 (1), 87-99, 2002
Entropic analysis of the role of words in literary texts
MA Montemurro, DH Zanette
Advances in complex systems 5 (01), 7-17, 2002
Aging in an infinite-range Hamiltonian system of coupled rotators
MA Montemurro, FA Tamarit, C Anteneodo
Physical Review E 67 (3), 031106, 2003
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